Round Up!
What's been happening lately in the news, and other things you should know.
Coworking spaces and hackerspaces
“Coworking Spaces” and “Hackerspaces” are two important ideas that you should know about but very well may not. They’re coming to Madison, so read on to learn more.
Screw This, We’re Going Home! Council Recap
Around 10:00 last night, with Michael Schumacher, Julia Kerr, Shiva Bidar-Sielaff and Mayor Dave Cieslewicz already absent, Tim Bruer, Steve King, Paul Skidmore and Joe Clausius decided they were just going to get up and walk out of the council meeting, breaking quorum.
What does the Common Council want to discuss tonight?
What does the council want to discuss tonight? It looks Thuyelicious.
Mayor (I’m Off to Sweenden) Message to Council . . .
on Overture . . . ouch.
Overture Rebuffed.
Yeah, that didn't go so well. This is the quintessential show down, the elected officials who think they know what is best, verses the people with the money. Can't wait to see who wins!
What’s Wrong with How we Do Business in Madison?
Specifically, the development process? Just cuz a ordinary citizens who LIVE and work in Madison, have a different visions of what they want...
Support Community Radio at Noon Today!
If you're one of my many supporters who want to see me continue my media work, please help show your support today during the WORT Pledge Drive . .. 256-2001 . . . I'll be interviewing Bill Lueders on this new book Watchdog: 25 years of muckraking and rabble rousing. 256-2001 . . . 256-2001 . . . 256-2001 or on the web at and click on the little piggy bank . . . its easy . . . and important . . . and here's why . . .
November Elections: What’s At Risk?
It seems like more than ever!
Citizen or Candidate Konkel?
Jesse Russell asks a good question about my blogging here on Forward Lookout. Jesse's question should be expanded to my radio and television show...
Development Process Review This Week
Plan Commission discussion, Economic Development Commission discussion and the Neighborhood Summit, part two. All this week!
Overture Round Up
Most of the meetings on the topic tend to be in closed session, and its a little hard to tell what is going on . . . but here's what I can tell you . . . which is a quick way to get caught up on all the issues.