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Topics related to the city of Madison.

The Voucher Scam!

The truth of school Vouchers is slowly starting to come out and its not pretty. While Scott Walker, Robin Vos, et...

Round Two: Neighborhood Summit

This part asked what's working well, favorite suggestion today and important lesson today.

No Snow Emergency Tonight

So, for the next two nights, you'll have to alternate side park downtown . . . .

Mayor (I’m Off to Sweenden) Message to Council . . .

on Overture . . . ouch.

Video from Today’s Labor Rally at Wisconsin’s Capitol (More Video Added)

Adventures in video, with Brenda . . . it's not terrible.
city committee agendas

Madison City Week Ahead 7/24/23

Plan commission and city council meets this week, at least 5 missing agendas and other things going on this week.

Video from No F-35s Black Friday Protest at Capitol

Music (Mary Gaines and Chris Wagoner), great speakers (Vicki Berenson, Brian Benford, Angela Jenkins, Jesse Pycha-Holst, Brandi Grayson and Rebecca Kemble) and more music (Lou and Peter Berryman)! 

Two Days in a Row Round Up!

It's not a trend yet . . . but trying to make it one . . .

City-wide Summit on Housing as a Human Right

Yesterday was the anniversary of the death of Dr. Martin Luther King, and a broad Coalition of people are going to Meet April 27, 2013 to realize his vision.

Mayor Names Committee to Review Overture Center

8 people chosen to review the Overture Center proposal, will council approve them on Tuesday?

The week ahead . . .

I felt bad for not blogging this morning but I had a really good excuse, and now that I look at the week ahead, well . . . no need to feel bad.

CDA again attempts to raid Affordable Housing Trust Fund

Three years ago, I attempted to make some changes to the Affordable Housing Trust Fund (nice, they've changed history and removed my name entirely) to allow more use of the $4M that is in the fund. The Mayor opposed those changes. Michael Schumacher removed my name and introduced it last January and still, the changes went no where . . . until now, when the CDA again wants to bend the rules to get the money. $1M of the $4M to create no new units and make current housing less affordable.