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city committee agendas

City of Madison Week Ahead July 20, 2020

4 missing agendas, 6 cancelled meetings, council meets again this week then not again until August.

Madison Police Department budget memo

Unlike other departments, every year the police department puts out a memo on its operating budget request.  The requests were due on the 10th but won't be available to the public until next week.  Here's what they had to say.

City of Madison suspended parking restrictions . . . until further notice . ....

Seems like they were updating this almost weekly . . . but now it seems they are just admitting we are in this pandemic for a little while longer . . .

Getting serious about mental health ambulances?

I've heard people talking about this for at least the past 5 years . . . but are we getting ready to do something about it?
consent agenda

What will the council talk about tonight (

Here's what the alders have picked off the agenda for discussion or additional actions.

Madison Police Status Report on 177 Ad Hoc Committee Recommendations

Today the Madison Police Department report on the 177 Ad Hoc Committee Recommendations was supposed to be on the agenda for acceptance by the council, but its not.

Protest policy questions for Madison Police Chief to answer tomorrow

Tomorrow at 6pm the police chief Vic Wahl will attend the Public Safety Review Committee (PSRC) subcommittee to answer the following questions.

Week of July 13, 2020

Brenda and Dylan back at it - running down the weekly meetings for city, county and schools.
round up

Round Up Sun – Sun, July 5 – 12

A week's worth of dumps of information that you might find of use . . . alder rounds ups give you insight into just how much they are not kept in the loop of what is going on.
city committee agendas

City Week Ahead

Council meets this week, missing agendas, meeting cancelled and lots of scrambling to make up for lost time and address current issues.

Ordinance to prevent Madison Police from using tear gas, mace & impact projectiles

A simple ordinance has been introduced by Alder Max Presigiacomo banning the use of these "less lethal" weapons that the police department uses.

Mayor says to hire a New Madison Police Chief in the next 90 days?

What is the sudden hurry?  This is kind of unreasonable and bordering on irresponsible.  The hiring process will take longer than that if they start today!