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Topics related to the city of Madison.

City Week Ahead

Council will (or won't) oppose F-35s, possible gas-powered lawnmower rebate, Town of Madison inventory, re-booting the pest management committee and more.

2020 Capital Budget Amendments to be Considered Monday

15 amendments, none for affordable housing? Or F-35 mitigation for our public housing units or the rest of the city?

WORT: Updates on F-35 Fighter Jets in Madison

Here's the podcast from the show I hosted today with Supervisor Heidi Wegleitner and Alders Rebecca Kemble and Grant Foster.  And, all the links and additional information that I rattled off!

City Week Ahead

Running late but here it is!!! (Look for Mo' Meetings later this week . . . again)

City Week Ahead

Summer is over, capital budget comes out Tuesday, time to get serious again! 23 meetings packed into 3 days, including a council meeting where they choose the affordable housing for Judge Doyle Square plus committees will be discussing Mifflandia Neighborhood Plan, Urban Forestry report, Dog Parks, PFAS, library fines, Affordable Housing fund applications and plans for the Public Market.

Friends of the State Street Family “Outreach”

Hands down, my favorite group in town! Check out the unbelievable work they do!

What will the council talk about tonight? (+TIF Clarification)

Only three items?
Round Up

Round Up! Wednesday, 9/18/19

A little something besides F-35s, and of course, F-35s!  Road closures, parent and student rights, transportation news, sandbags, Law Park planning and more.

What will the Council Talk About Tonight?

This is what was sent out - sometimes it changes between the first time it gets sent out and the meeting, and it can change at the meeting as well . . . Amanda Hall is notified as being absent tonight.

Rickert’s Reporting Gap

Today Chris Rickert had a column criticizing the Madison Metropolitan School Board for taking their eye off the ball of the achievement gap. First,...

Can they really hold Senators in Contempt?

Here's a legal opinion saying why they can't . . .
Round Up

Weekend Round Up

Weekend news and news buried on Friday (usually bad news), Decarceration community panel discussion and several other community events.