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daily round up

Thursday (9/17/20) and Friday (9/18/20) Round Up

Was a really busy end of the week, but here's what I have!
city committee agendas

Madison City Week Ahead 5/2/22

Only 10 meetings this week and 7 of them have agendas!  Council meeting re-scheduled due to Eid al-Fitr.

Tiny House Villages Update

I've been a bit delinquent in blogging the past few months because I've been busy helping build a tiny house village.  Check it out!
city committee agendas

Madison City Week Ahead 3/22/21

Finance, Plan, Transportation and several other meetings this week, far fewer than last week but still worth a look!

City Attorney’s Office Attempt to stop Reindahl resolution protecting encampments

COVID is over, back to "normal" for people experiencing homelessness.  In typical last minute fashion, the city attorney plays Dr. No.
city committee agendas

Madison City Week Ahead 6/5/23

Cancelled meetings, missing agendas, council meeting this week (alcohol licensing, billboards and more)

City Week Ahead

This covers meetings Sunday - Saturday, special council meeting on the wheel tax, more recommendations by Task force on City Government, no Edgewater or Salvation Army on Plan Commission meeting, East Towne and West Towne appealing their assessments, Dane County Jail and Judge Doyle Square at UDC, more committees weighing in on F-35s, Visions Alcohol License Revocation, golf course tours, Mayor's Neighborhood Round Table, elected officials weigh in on School Superintendent and more.

Common Council Executive Committee Recap

Short half hour meeting. Vision Zero, Transportation Studies, Independent Monitor, Recommendations on Government Structure, budget process for next year and more.

What should the Madison Education Committee work on?

Officially, this is the City of Madison Committee, but it has Alders, Dane County Board Supervisors and School Board members along with Mayor and School Superintendent reps.  It could be an impactful group!  They voted to change the name to City, County, Schools Collaborative Committee (CCSCC).  They were almost convinced to disband, but were re-energized with new members after the elections last spring and are discussing what they should be working on.

Week of January 6th, 2020

Dane County is getting feedback on how it provides mental health services, Madison Mayor Satya Rhodes-Conway is talking transit and the search for a new superintendent for the Madison public schools continues.
mayor's meeting schedule

City of Madison Mayor’s Schedule Week of 2/3/20

Lots of meetings with staff, meetings with former alder Barbara Vedder, Greater Madison Convention and Visitor's Bureau's Deb Archer and transportation, planning, engineering, fianance, sustainability and fire staff.

Rep. Chris Tayor and Community Response to Final EIS on F-35s

At 10:30 today there was a press conference where Rep. Chris Taylor and community leaders spoke about the final Envionrmental Impact Statement on the F-35s and what is said, or didn't say!