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Topics related to the city of Madison.

Sickly News Round Up

If you've seen me lately, you may have noticed I"ve been unusually quiet (except for the terrible hacking cough) . . . cuz I pretty much lost my voice and have been sick for the last two weeks.

Yard Sign Wars!

Since people are thinking about elections today (If you're not, you should be! Don't forget to vote!) I thought I'd post some information about when and where a tenant and when a landlord can post yard signs.

Edgewater TIF Expansion “Suboptimal Choices”

There just "wasn't enough time to do it right" so it barely passes with a 3 - 3 tie with the Mayor breaking the tie. The proposal is more messed up than usual. And I think that puts it more in jeopardy than I had imagined. Contains BK comments.

Add 5 More Meetings . . . or 6?

One is even today.

Security Deposit Problems?

Yeah . . . you and everyone else!

Lets All Meet on Thursday Week Ahead!

12 City meetings in one day, including two big public hearings and I'm sure they'll add more meetings to it. Brilliant planning by "leadership".

Blaska/Mahoney’s War on “Illegals”

The recent dust up at LaFollette West, with a LaFollete student got Blaska blathering again . . . or did he, himself, say "whining" . . . .

Illegal Meeting?

I see a newspaper reports of a meeting. And I see the weekly schedule and that meeting isn't on the weekly schedule.

Mayor Dave Perfects the Snub

Ok maybe you think its no big deal when he holds a press conference in an alders district and instead of inviting the alder,...

Long Overdue Round Up, Part II

Still going . . . have some more since I haven't done this since . . . . last Thursday . . . I...

Long Overdue Round Up

You're probably wondering why I'm slacking . . . well, I've been sick for the last week. If you go to a...