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Topics related to the city of Madison.

Rallies today, 10:30 and 4:30

I had heard noon - 3, but the South Central Federation of Labor says this: URGENT: You are needed in Madison. The whole...

Seeking Protest Videos, Photos, Etc for Archives

Honestly, I can't believe that this project is all coming together, but its really cool. Thanks to the many, many volunteers for the time and talents and materials!

Jim Carrier: Is Rhythm & Booms Worth the Cost?

This was in the Cap Times yesterday, but is worth repeating.

City Week Ahead

December! You'd never know it.

1 . . . 2 . . . 3 . . . 4 ....


Are Police Going to Start Ticketing the Homeless for Sleeping?

I wish I had more time to dig into this issue, but here's what I know . . .

Now, you can have input.

We've named it, decided the major elements and where they will be implemented, put money into funding it, applied for grants, staff started planning it . . . now you can tinker around the edges and we'll call it a public process. Look, you're invited to the first meeting! Classic.

Which Madison Parks strategies/policies should be priorities in 2020

The Parks Long Range Planning Committee is meeting on Wednesday to look at what policies they should work on in 2020.   What would you like to see changed?

Cats and Dogs Oh My!

Do you register your cat, or dog?  Or bike for that matter?  Cat fees going up, "dog license tax" going up!  Fees and taxes going up, up, up as the city tries to stay under the state imposed levy limits.

Council Discussion on the Downtown Plan.

Well, kinda a discussion.

Common Council Recap: Part I, The Thuy Game

Play along, won't you?

John Norquist to Speak at Capital Neighborhoods Annual Meeting

Capitol Neighborhoods presents speaker John Norquist at Annual Meeting