Do you want monthly water bills?
It'll probably help your finances a whole lot better than the tax bill item them Mayor has arguing with the county over, but its not in his budget. The council will get a briefing on it tomorrow, even tho its not on the weekly meeting schedule . . . yet . . .
The Problem with George Austin & the Public Market Square
Has nothing to do with George Austin . . . per se.
Weekend Round Up
Well, here's the media's version, further edited by me, about what you need to know about local issues!
Edgewater Round Up
Yeah, it just won't go away . . . it's at the Council meeting Tuesday, UDC Wednesday, going back to Landmarks soon, and of course, the Joint Review Board on the 29th. And the management agreement still has to be approved by Plan Commission and Council.
City Maintains AAA Bond Rating
Yup . . . no surprise . . .
The City Week Ahead
The first full week in a while where there wasn't a holiday or date where meetings couldn't be scheduled.
Overture Round Up (Updated!)
This is one of the many meetings I didn't make it to last night, but here's some of the information you might be interested...
TGIF Round Up
Another week over . . . and so much left to do . . . . lots going on last night, look for blogs over the weekend as I catch up . . . meanwhile, here's what the news covered, and a little more . . .
Which Community Service Programs Will Get Funding?
There is a public hearing at the Labor Temple tonight and many groups are losing money compared to the funding they got in the past. Here's the winners and losers and those who are keeping their flat funding for two more years, which one might (and should) argue is a loss. You can't continue providing the same services with the same amount of money . . . costs go up every year.
Demo, Demo, Demo
More demolitions . . . I think I've neglected to post a few, so some might be repeats . . . or not! There's 13, and a couple may have been acted on already.
“Broken” Process Primer for Tonight
The Economic Development Committee is holding its only public hearing on this topic tonight at the Monona Terrace Hall of Ideas. Here's the background info you might be interested in! No shortage of opinions here!
Tiny Round Up
There's just not much out there today to round up . . . and so much to try to cover tonight!