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Topics related to the city of Madison.

HUD Wants Us To . . . Part I: Prioritize Chronically Homeless for...

HUD wants has some lofty goals of ending homelessness, some communities are taking this task very seriously. HUD is issuing statements about guidance of what they expect to see. In permanent supportive housing, HUD wants us to prioritize chronically homeless persons. Will we?

Tonight’s Council Consent Agenda

Looks like another Thuy Pham-Remmele show tonight. She separated almost all the items for discussion this evening. The Exclusion list is below. Here's...

Common Council Recap

It was only 2.5 hours long . . . I'm kinda impressed. Seems like 3rd time was a charm! After the first hour of logistics and honoring resolutions, they spent time talking about planning issues, public market, Tree Lane, 4th Quarter Police Report, Public Market and Oscar Mayer.

Metro Stroller Policy: Feedback wanted

Safety concerns with strollers? Do you care?

City Week Ahead

Big news this week is mostly on Monday - all the budget amendments at Board of Estimates. That should be a long meeting. Also Thursday the Council decides what their priorities are for legislative action.
city committee agendas

Madison City Week Ahead

Council meeting, COVID 19 updates, retroactive permissions but no extension of the emergency powers past June 2?  And no change to the ordinance about committees meeting?
consent agenda

What will Madison City Council talk about tonight?

Well, this is what the email says . . . it may change before or at the meeting!  Half the agenda has new recommendations for action by the council.

Human Services Still Facing Drastic Cuts

It seemed like good news when County Executive Parisi announced he would "restore" $1.9M in funds. But here's the what still isn't funded . . . the list is extensive and breathtaking.

Um . . . How does this work?

A city committee is meeting today that was never created, never appointed by the mayor, never approved by the council, not in legistar or on the city committee list. Guess which one?!

Mysterious Meeting tonight

Ok, I'm presenting at it, its for the County Board Supervisors and Alders, but I can't seem to find it anywhere.

Friday Round Up

First week of the year nearly over . . .
city committee agendas

Madison Week Ahead 1/19/21

Common Council meetings this week along with Police Oversight Exec Committee, Body Worn Cameras and more . . .