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Topics related to the city of Madison.

Live Blog of the Common Council Meeting, Part IV (Final)

12:55, 26 more speakers . . . no breaks!Dennis Davidsaver lives and works downtown, asks them to follow laws and look at benefits and...

We don’t want to hear about the Geese!

City Attorney says that you can't talk about the geese tonight. Of course, full counsel/legal advice would have reminded them that they can...

Catching Up with the Task Force on Government Structure

I video recorded the last meetings of the Task Force on Government Structure and their two subcommittees on Boards Committees and Commission and the subcommittee on the Common Council. Both subcommittees reported back to the main committee and have written reports on their identification of which issues they think should be looked at and what alternatives they might have. So I've included those reports as well. The subcommittees meet again today and tomorrow to continue their work.

Jenifer St. Market at Risk of Closing?

Schoep's filing for receivership puts the Jennifer St. Market's future lease in jeopardy. And, because of the receivership, its hard to get answers!

Alders Behaving Suspiciously

So, when someone submits a proposal to the city, with a clear scoring system, you expect those doing the scoring to be fair, right? Well, two alders can make a big swing in the scoring if they want to. Check out what happened with the one of the James Madison Park Houses.
round up

Madison Area Round Up – 3/19/20

Mostly housing and homelessness related today . . . most other immediate needs issues have been resolved or are on their way. 
Progressive Dane Members

6 of 6! All Progressive Dane Candidate with Primaries Move On!

So, many of my blog readers know that I am the co-chair of Progressive Dane and the chair of their elections committee. Normally, when there isn't a county board meeting about the jail, I'd be posting election results as they come in. Today, I'm way far behind, but for the record, it went well!

Overture Round Up (Updated!)

This is one of the many meetings I didn't make it to last night, but here's some of the information you might be interested...

Brief Common Council Meeting Recap

Sorry, this should have been posted on Wednesday, but I ran out of time and then lost the first version of it. The meeting was a little under two hours and uneventful - almost half was about the ordinance on second hand dealers (pawn shops etc) which there was consensus on, so I'm not sure why there was so much talking.

Weekend, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday Not in the News Round Up

Um, I'm horribly far behind and all this stuff is just sitting in a draft folder, so I'm just getting this out there, done or not

Items of Interest at the Council Meeting Tonight

Sorry I didn't get to this yesterday.

Progressive Dane to Discuss Achievement Gap

I'm guessing this discussion may be a little different than others, but we'll see.