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Topics related to the city of Madison.

Wednesday News Round Up

A little more news today . . .

Extra Meetings this Week

By 8:20 Monday morning, there were three new meetings . . . seriously . . . why can't these meetings get noticed by Friday afternoon along with everything else?

Where’s the News?! Round Up

Hard to round up . . . when there is not. much. there.

What’s Going on at the County?

Last week, not only did I have a little chat with County Board Chair Scott McDonell . . . I also had a little chat with County Executive Kathleen Falk . . . check it out!

Report from Community Services Committee

Mostly, there was 3.5 hours of testimony about how the cuts would impact agencies, then a lot of confusion and then they got kicked out of the building.

Board of Estimates Recap

TiVo'd, but it was a much shorter meeting than I had anticipated . . . Edgewater TID and Affordable Housing Trust Fund raid by CDA referred. Money for McDonald's approved.

Are Police Going to Start Ticketing the Homeless for Sleeping?

I wish I had more time to dig into this issue, but here's what I know . . .

Am I Running for Mayor?

It is a question I get asked daily these days . . .

Pham-Remmele v Schumacher

Oh yeah . . . too good not to share . . .

Ugly Picture for Funding for Local Non-Profits

At the last public hearing on the budget, the Mayor seemed confused by non-profits coming forward saying they were getting cut by 20 and 30%. He said we'd be held harmless this year. Too bad he's not paying better attention. Here's a taste of who is getting cut at the moment . . . Community Services Commission meets tonight to decide who might get additional funding. When we have 17% of our population in the City of Madison living in poverty, this is ugly, ugly news.

Monday Morning Round Up

Here's my weekend round up of local news and other items. Enjoy!

The Alleged City Week Ahead

Watch out, they're sure to add important meetings throughout the week.