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Topics related to the city of Madison.

Housing is a Human Right Resolution

I think this is the final version! Will you or your group sign on?

What will the Council Talk About Tonight?

According to the consent agenda, only one thing . . . I bet that's not right.

The Most Expensive Meetings in Town?

The Edgewater? I'm thinking probably not. I was at a meeting last night with probably 20 paid non-profit staff in the meeting, and over the next few weeks and months, that will play itself out over, and over, and over. And it makes me wonder, how much of the money we are vying for is being spent in these meetings? Despite efforts to streamline the process, it still seems silly. More complicated than the development process that is getting all the attention, take a peek!

Formal City Opinion on How Many Votes Needed to Pass Something in Committee

Apparently two times recently a chair of a committee refrained from voting and they thought something passed, but it didn't. Had the chair voted in favor, it would have passed.

What the City Council is Talking About Tonight

September 18, 2012 Common Council Meeting Proposed Consent Agenda Exclusions

Live Blog of the Landmarks Meeting (Part 1)

NOTE: For those of you wondering, Board of Estimates will start at 8:30. Not sure we'll be done in an hour.It's all...

Council Recap – MInus the Church Wars (Part 1)

The rest of the meeting was done by 8:10 . . .
mayor's meeting schedule

City of Madison Mayor’s Schedule Week of 2/17/20

Items the mayor is meeting about this week, Performance Excellence, Public Market, Complete count, public health, water utility finances, Freedom Inc, Benjamin Olneck-Brown, police and more  . . .

Unrepresented Employees would like to negotiate . . .

If ever there was a question about if public employees had enough protections under the law, without being in a union . . . here's an answer for you . . .

Where Do D20 Alder Candidates Stand on Bicycling Infrastructure?

A couple weeks ago I sent a quick questionnaire to the two District 20 Alder Candidates, Dave Glomp and Matt Phair:  Can you tell me...

Scott McDonell: Smaller County Board Bad for Us

This is in response to the repeated calls from the Wisconsin State Journal for a smaller county board. As usual, the FACTS matter.

Last Minute Process for Council Budget Meetings

Makin' it up at the last minute, staff deciding how the council will do things? How are people supposed to know this? Does the council get a say in their own process and shouldn't this have been worked out months ago when they passed the resolution on the budget process?