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round up

Friday Round Up – 4/23/20

Usual random mish-mash of useful updates from various sources, enjoy!

Madison Mayor: Nevermind, no furloughs

Sigh.  No furloughs for now.  May be re-evaluated later.  Back to be "if", not "when".  And other updates from the mayor.
round up

Mega Round Up June 4 – 18

Well that got away from me.  I. Can't. Keep. Up.  Interesting times we're living in.  Here's some mostly City related items you might be interested in.  For up to date news, see the Konkel Round Up on the home page.  Updated multiple times per day.

Week of July 13, 2020

Brenda and Dylan back at it - running down the weekly meetings for city, county and schools.
city committee agendas

City of Madison Week Ahead – 8/17/20

City seems to be back to normal as far as committee meetings go - except there are a large number of parks related meetings that are still cancelled.
daily round up

Monday, 9/14/20 Daily Round Up

DNR news on drinking water and PFAS, music as economic recovery and the local government news rundown.
city committee agendas

Madison City Week Ahead 10/12/20

There were at least 5 missing agendas this week - but  . . . sorry this is late, slightly distracted.
city committee agendas

City of Madison Week Ahead 2/28/21

This week's the City gets an F for public notice.  I think there are a record number of closed session portions of or entire meetings, lack of recommendations and missing agendas.  I'm seeing red.

Solutions to Long Council Meetings? Reduce Public Input?

Ugh, I hate these discussions.  It's been tried before, the proposed solutions are always the same and its never good for democracy.
city committee agendas

Madison City Week Ahead 5/3/21

Council meets this week - men's shelter is up for a vote - will it pass?  Lots of other meetings, but generally a slow week.
city committee agendas

Madison City Week Ahead 5/8/23

No council meeting this week after 3 in a row!  Here's the committees meeting this week.
city committee agendas

Madison City Week Ahead 3/25/24

Last week of the month has a lighter schedule but still plenty of interesting things going on!