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Topics related to the city of Madison.

Urban Land Interests to Meet with Neighborhood

Ok, so Willy St. Coop has said they have been discussing a new location and now Urban Land will be meeting with the neighborhood. Guess they need to get caught up on their marketing since Metcalfe's grocery stole the show!
daily round up

Alleged “Daily” Round Up/Catch Up

Well, that was a fail this week! Life took over and I have hardly no time for blogging . . . here's what you missed.

Mayor Loses Another Staffer

Perhaps he'll be back as comptroller . . .

Rules for Tonight’s Council Meeting!

This was LONG overdue and crappy to put out right 5 hours before the meeting with no notice to the public. But I...
what will the council talk about

What Will the Council Talk About Tonight (Updated, Twice)

Possible Absence: Mayor Soglin. (Update!  He will be in attendance) So says the notice. I'm laughing cuz I'm wondering if they cancel for the 3rd time in a row because of the ice storm?
city committee agendas

City Week Ahead 1/4/2021

Back in action!  The next few council meeting agendas are loaded with items.  Committees are also back in full swing.
consent agenda

What will the council talk about tonight?

Well, here's a hint.  Tho' I expect they will talk about more than this.

This blows . . .

Keeping track of city and county issues are hard enough. Schools are even harder, and now the state is making it hard too . . . just as they are going back into session and I am getting anxious about new landlords/tenant legislation and worrying it will turn my work world upside down again . . . they tell me this!

What will the council talk about tonight . . . .

All kinds of interesting things on the agenda, but I guess they think there is not much worth talking about . . . here's the two items council members have separated for discussion - kinda.

Business to Cozy up to Local Elected Officials

City Council and County Board schmoozefests planned. Sponsored by DMI, the Chamber, the Convention & Visitors Bureau, and Smart Growth Greater Madison -...

Video Tsunami – Part 2

Here's another video dump for those who have seen me at meeting with my camera and wonder where they go. They are also all on my youtube channel for now - until I get my livestreaming fixed again.

Plowing Updates, Snow Emergency, Metro Not Running

Most people moved their cars last night, thinking it would be a snow emergency . . . now, if they don't move, they'll be towed. Makes me think of that Phish song, every time . . . .