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Topics related to the city of Madison.

When a committee makes a recommendation, does it make a sound?

As a newly elected chair of a City Committee, I received no training. Meetings were only set up on my initiative. And, if I hadn't been an alder for 8 years and look at legistar (city legislation tracking software) nearly every single day, I wouldn't have realized that our recent recommendations don't appear in legistar. And therefore, when Finance Committee votes on Monday, they don't know what our committee did.

City Council Budget Recap – Night One, Part One

A brief summer of roughly the first 4 hours - public input and 9th ambulance, with related budget cuts including the independent auditor (also amendment 4)

Transportation Policy and Planning Board Recap

No to ordinance to save Green Cab $4,000 to avoid reapplying for license, wheel tax revocation if RTAs are again allowed and beltline shoulder usage. Complete streets discussion, BRT, a parking study the staff team turned into a Transportation Demand Management study and more.

Madison and Dane County Week Ahead

There are two local government meetings this week at the City of Madison, Madison School Board and Dane County Board . . . that we know of.

Week of January 27th, 2020

Dane County will get the latest design plans for the new jail. The city of Madison considers hiring new department heads and a lot of new housing units. And the Madison school board meets in closed session again, this time to discuss expected litigation.
city committee agendas

Madison City Week Ahead

UDC and Joint Campus Committee moving developments along, ALRC discussing separated alcohol licenses 2 nights this week and still lots of cancelled meetings!
madison meeting rooms - sitting on window sills

City of Madison Meeting Rooms: No Chairs, Noisy, etc.

City meeting rooms, new and old, are a disastrous place to try to hold a meeting. Having a place to sit and being able to hear seem like basics.
eviction moratorium

Governor’s Orders: Landlord Entry and Evictions Prohibited

The governor issued orders today halting eviction actions (except to protect victims of domestic violence, sexual assault or stalking) until May 26th.  But you still will be responsible for paying your rent.
madison mayor's ethics violation

Madison Mayor’s Ethics Violations

This seems to be the most unethical city government we've had in years . . . first 2 alders, now the Mayor clearly violating the ethics laws.
consent agenda

What will the Madison City Council talk about tonight?

Nothing?  Nothing has been pulled off the agenda for separate discussion for tonight.  I'm sure they will still discuss things, tune in to find out.
city committee agendas

Madison City Week Ahead

Council meeting, COVID 19 updates, retroactive permissions but no extension of the emergency powers past June 2?  And no change to the ordinance about committees meeting?

Week of 6/22/20

Here’s Brenda Konkel and Dylan Brogan with a preview of what’s happening this week in the city of Madison and Dane County.