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Topics related to the city of Madison.

Immigration Common Council Recap (Part I)

There was a lot on the agenda, only one issue that was discussed.

Edgwater Financing Not Secured?

Hm. Looks like they might not really have the money for the financing secured.

The City’s Housing Policy Solutions

Sigh, what do you do when the Mayor gives you a task with a ridiculous timeline and no money. I talked with the Chair of the Housing Diversity Committee, Brian Munson and committee and School Board Member Marj Passman to find out.

Noon Council Meeting: Out with the Old, In with the New?

Hmmm...I guess.

What Will the Council Talk About Tonight?

Items people show up to talk about and . . .

Jessica King: Greyhound Bus Move

A letter from a concerned citizen . . .

New Madison Police Policies for Comment

9 more polices to be commented on over the holidays, deadline January 6th when many people are just returning to work.

Is this about City Staff or the Public?

Obsessed with an elevator. . . don't know how that happened, its just so absurd and gets wackier by the day.

Occupy Madison Building Purchase

If you ever worked on a real estate project, you know it lives and dies, sometimes daily. Today, the project is dead, for now. But the Isthmus just wrote a story that was, in my mind, premature. But hey, maybe someone out there can help us solve our current problem . . .
city committee agendas

Madison City Week Ahead 6/19/23

Short week, but lots going on, council meets, may be a long meeting with the resolution for sanctuary for trans andnon-binary persons on the agenda.
city committee agendas

City of Madison Week Ahead? – 3/16/20 (Updated)

At the moment there are at least 6 cancelled meetings.  I'd expect more by next week.  One one meeting noticed with people appearing by phone.  Conoronavirus update and Council meeting plus so much more.
city committee agendas

Madison City Week Ahead 1/25/21

Body camera public input sesssion, finance and plan commission, co-op ordinance, land banking policy and more.