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Topics related to the city of Madison.

Who attended the Neighborhood Summit?

One spin, from Tim Cooley, the Economic Development Director would be that it was only 10% of the neighborhoods in the city. Here's some facts for you to determine for yourself . . . pesky facts.

Moving Tips for Next Weekend

Brought to you by . . . the Tenant Resource Center

Tenant Resource Center Extra Hours for Moving Days

It's that time of the year, you've seen the moving trucks and extra garbage on the curbs . . . brace yourselves, here it...

Favorite. Sign. Ever.

Compliments of the City of Madison. They can't even blame it on the county . . . not this time . . .

Alders Dissed Harder than Neighborhoods and Committees

Wow, this is just embarrassing at this point . . . it's like they can't stop making the whole "broken process" issue worse . . .

Update on Changes to the Landmarks Ordinance

The Landmarks Commission has discussed this at 8 meetings already, and I missed most of them, so I went back through the minutes to see what I missed, here's my summary/highlights of the discussions they had in case you're also interested. They will be discussing this again tonight.

Useless agenda week at the City.

It's August, so there are fewer meetings, but not this many fewer . . . watch for additions through the week, making the "weekly" meeting schedule a joke of serious proportions . . . usually, this is about 65 - 80% of the meetings for the week. i.e. they don't really care if you know what local government is doing, in fact, they really don't want you to know. Why isn't the mayor calling for transparency and predictability here?

Nothing to do today?

Unlikely, I"m sure, but just in case, here's a couple ideas . . . Greetings! Make Saturday a day of Northside festivity all day long....

High Speed Rail Updates

This is the updated timeline for the High Speed Rail Train Station and a few tidbits from the council presentation on Tuesday.

SCFL Fails to Endorse Mahoney

Hmmm . . . major labor group doesn't recommend sheriff for endorsement due to his ICE policy . . . I'm glad someone is...

Council Cranky about Overture

Wow. They weren't very happy about voting for either of these items, the "comfort" resolution or the review committee.

2 Day Round Up

Due to technical difficulties yesterday . . . here is a 2 day round up!