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Topics related to the city of Madison.

City Council Budget Recap – Night One, Part One

A brief summer of roughly the first 4 hours - public input and 9th ambulance, with related budget cuts including the independent auditor (also amendment 4)

Round Up in Pictures

This could be one big "Stoopid City" post . . . but the pictures are kind of a then and now kind of round up.

Spring Elections . . . Boys, Boys, Boys

It is a Boys Club still . . . check it out, where are the women candidates? Only a few women in the alder races. Here's the latest as the close of the day yesterday of who is running.

Plan Commission Discussion on the Edgewater

This was kind of "live-blogged" until the end when my typing skills didn't keep up, so, I didn't post the final until I could correct the end this morning. The big news here is that when the agenda says something is going to be referred, it really means they are going to discuss it anyways. And Alder Bridget Maniaci appears to be a pathological liar.

Chief Erwin Has To Go!

New Capitol Police Chief Dave Erwin has really put his stamp on the new job since taking over from Charles Tubbs. Unfortunately for the...

Late City Week Ahead

Sorry I was slow on this one, work, video, Packer's game etc. got in the way.

Who’s Running in Spring Elections?

41 seats are available for County Board, Madison School Board and City Council.  People can start circulating nomination papers in 9 days!  Are you ready?

Tent City #3, Seattle

This is the last of the villages/encampments we visited out west.
what will the council talk about

What will the Council Talk about Tonight?

Nothing except . . .

More issues with Logans

So, I recently did a training for TRC volunteers and the community and one of my new volunteers got really interested when we were talking about disparate impact and discrimination and wanted to know if these same rules and concepts applied to bars . . . here's why.

Zach Brandon’s Radical Ideas: Number One

Apparently, we can expect two every month . . .

Union Corners Update

From Alder Marsha Rummel . . . what exactly is going on with that pile of rubble at Union Corners? And new plans for the site.