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Topics related to the city of Madison.

Is Your Alder Doing Their Job? (Part Two)

Part Two. More messed up information.

Tuesday dose of Additional Meetings

Apparently, its too hard to get this information to the clerk's office by Friday . . . grrrr . . . the usual suspects. Everyone else seems able to notice their meetings on time, more or less. 5 more meetings out of 18 means that they only published 72% of the schedule on Friday.

The City’s Housing Policy Solutions

Sigh, what do you do when the Mayor gives you a task with a ridiculous timeline and no money. I talked with the Chair of the Housing Diversity Committee, Brian Munson and committee and School Board Member Marj Passman to find out.

Post-Birthday Round Up (Part One)

I was slacking last week, lots to round up . . . so little time.

Is Your Alder Doing their Job? (Part One)

It's really hard to find out! I noticed my alder and a couple others missing a lot of meetings and I was interested in finding out how many. It's not as easy as you would think . . . thus, the three part series.

Slow/No Wake Zone for Lake Monona

I probably should have posted this over the weekend . . . since it started on Saturday.

The Partial City Week Ahead

I wonder how many meetings will be held this week, that they haven't told us about yet. Here's the one that are noticed at the moment.

Library Costs Incurred to Date

We seem to have consultants and experts and lots of activities, and surprisingly low "costs incurred to date". Somehow, I think she...

Explaining the “blah, blah, blah” . . .

Oh, I'm so busted. Good call on that one Erik. You should go read his post, and then mine will make more sense. And, because its a really good argument for how you can get involved with citizen journalism.

SCFL opposes privatizing the Overture Center

Here's the email to alders from Jim Cavanaugh:

EDC Discusses the “Broken” Process (Illegally?)

Interesting discussion at the Economic Development Committee, sounds like there is some backing off of the bold statements by the Mayor and the timeline. Perhaps some "misinformation". And, the message to the development community is clear, if you want to see changes, you have to show up, don't just send your staff for your various groups, cuz there's no data to support the concerns. And there are more open meetings concerns.

“Big Dream” for John Nolen Drive

After being on the council for 8 years, and plan commission for 3 years, I was a little surprised to hear that there are some plans the city has been taking a look at for years . . . here's the report from the EDC meeting.