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Topics related to the city of Madison.

How to Get Ambulance Fees Waived – If “Poor”

So, I was talking to a friend about her experience taking someone to the hospital because they didn't want to call the ambulance and pay for the fees and I told her (she has been working with poor people for a long time and didn't know) that the fees could be waived. She says no one ever mentioned that to her after all her work with hospitals and low-income people. So, I went to find the info on the website and there was none . . . but there is now! (Thank you Sarah Edgerton! And whomever worked on this in the finance department!)

(Tenatative) County Board Budget Schedule

I don't know that this exactly makes sense, but here it is . . . 2012 BUDGET – TENTATIVE SCHEDULE (REVISED)

Sing! For Martin Luther King!

Sorry, that was a little cheesy.
city committee agendas

City Week Ahead 3/15/21

28 (or 30?) meetings this week, including a Council meeting.  13 meetings (nearly half) before 4pm.

More Changes to the City Week Ahead

Sigh . . .

Housing is a Human Right – Now what will we do about it?

The City and County both passed resolutions declaring Housing Is A Human Right . . . and now we are holding a Summit, tomorrow, to talk about what to do about it! Copies are made, rooms reserved, packets being stuffed, panelists readying themselves . . . now all we need is you!

Madison Common Council Elections: Closer than we think

It’s October, and we really should be focused only on November, but let’s take just a few minutes to think about the Madison Common Council elections next spring. The December 1st start of the filing period isn’t that far away, and the people who are serious about running are certainly thinking about it right now, but mostly staying quiet until after November. Here’s a quick rundown on where current Council members might shake out.

Drug Sniffing Dogs in our Schools?

Could be . . . have an opinion, take the survey! Do you support the use of the Madison Police K9 unit to conduct drug...

More Important Library Meetings

In addition to the 4 public input meetings, here's two more of interest.

Mayor’s Capital Budget

I haven't had time to read through it enough to form final opinions, but there is some interesting things to consider, here's my little run down.

New Council and Mayor First Meeting Recap

And Mayor Soglin was in his seat and started the meeting on time!

Soglin Explains His 25% Number

I just had to ask, and he answered.