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Topics related to the city of Madison.

Neighborhood Meeting on Hovde Proposal/Downtown Firestation

Neighborhood meeting . . . Thursday. Busy week.

Don’t swim in THAT water!

Madison and Dane Counties disgrace . . . our lakes

Dane County Phase 2 COVID 19 numbers rising and why we aren’t required to...

So, the Dane County numbers are going up, up and up (4 to 5 times more new cases) and the percentage of test coming back positive are like they were end of March and beginning of April.  But there's no going back . . .only forward.

Democracy Needs You!

Set your cynicism aside and join a committee! Think about it this way . . . you have two or three years to raise hell. Recently, the council discussed the snow shoveling at bus stops, because the committee pushed it, not any alders. And a a result of the embarrassment it caused, the Mayor has put $70K in the budget. You can make a difference, if you are willing to stand up for the community!

Soglin Announcement

Yes, he's running for Mayor . . . here's the press conference, in its entirety.

Capital Budget Presentations – Miscellaneous

City Clerk and Henry Vilas Zoo.

COVID 19 and homelessness, what’s the plan?

So, in this new world we are living in, everything is constantly changing and plans made are reworked as change occurs.  Focusing on the big picture and long term is hard when we don't know what the long term will bring . . . but . . . . there is a train wreck coming.

Goals? How could our city be different in 5 years? (Updated x 2)

CDBG Commission needs to hear from you.

The Absurdity of Running a Non-Profit . . .

Two things that happened in the last 24 hours have made me stop and think about how absurd my job of the last 16 plus years as Executive Director of the Tenant Resource Center has become . . . and makes me wonder how much worse it will get

Week of July 13, 2020

Brenda and Dylan back at it - running down the weekly meetings for city, county and schools.
daily round up

Daily Round Up – 9/4/20

Here's your news round up and various other announcements and tidbits that didn't make it in to their own post!

Services Available to the Homeless

We rarely get notice that there is an opening! So, here is a spot for one person - with conditions!