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4 More changes to the Weekly Schedule

Mostly cancellations . . . perhaps because people get late notice and there is no quorum? Or something else, I'm not sure.

Wednesday Morning Round Up (A little late, ahem)

Always too much to do, too many meetings unreported and too many obligations getting in the way . . . here's what I have this morning. Anyways, here's a whole bunch of not-newspaper-links for this morning and a some newspaper links.

Police Department Pushes for More in the Budget

I'm sure its no coincidence that the Mayor's memo and the police department memo came out in the same day, but the police seem to completely ignore the mayor's request for a 6% cut, as usual. Cuz, you know, they're special, they get whatever they want. Which is a compromise of only 20 more officers (instead of 34) and millions more for their training facility cuz they botched the original budget.

Mayor Asks for 6% Cuts to Budgets, Again

More of the same.

Friday, Monday, Tuesday Morning Round Up

Slackin' on the round up again . . .

Activities to be Banned at Lisa Link Park “Visitor” Center

Some of these things are completely reasonable, but beware, no drinking a glass of wine and asking for directions, or stopping between beers to use the ATM, no staring, no offensive odor from hygiene (excessive nasty perfume, ok), no kissing (or holding hands?), no political materials (on State Street!) or charity work without permission, no kids running in the area with their shoes off after running in the splash park, no more than two bags in your possession (don't do too much shopping!), no changing your clothes in the restrooms (you hear that bikers?), no moving chairs or putting your feet on them, no eating that ice cream cone in an unapproved area, no taking Visitor Center materials into the rest room etc etc etc.

Multi-Media Brenda

Blogging, TV show and now . . . Radio.

Here’s About 80% of the City Week Ahead

Think that's about right, there's 13 meetings on the schedule this week, I might have aimed a little high and been a bit optimistic, might be 70% or less. We'll see.

What’s a Billboard Worth?

We still can't figure it out, apparently, as we lose another lawsuit.

Which Neighborhood Wins?

This time around, its the Regent Neighborhood Association. Why pick a resource rich, dense urban area? Why not pick something like, um, East Washington Avenue, where sustainability is a goal for an area that needs more planning and some good urban infill? And, it has so much more potential for economic development. Once again, I don't get it.

The Mayor’s New Aide

I wonder if he hires anyone that is not a state employee or not from out of state? Not sure what to make of his...


Until at least the week of July 19th. What to do? Well, not quite mulchless according to this email you can get yours today!....