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city committee agendas

Madison City Week Ahead 10/23/20

Short week, but still there are 8 meetings.  Closed session police chief search discussions.
city committee agendas

Madison City Week Ahead 2/1/21

Several committees getting introduced to the new police chief and the council meets this week.

District 8 AHAA Answers: Juliana Bennett and Ayomi Obuseh on Housing & Homelessness

The Affordable Housing Action Alliance asked the City Council candidates their views on several housing questions.  Here are their answers for District 8
consent agenda

Madison, what will the city council talk about tonight?

Nothing?  Nothing is excluded for discussion.  Could it be possible?  Likely not.
city committee agendas

Madison City Week Ahead 7/31/23

Oh my goodness, its August!  Council meets this week and several other committees humming along, 5 missing agendas.

Where is the Affordable Housing in Judge Doyle Square?

Depends upon your definition of affordable, I guess. But this is usually not what most people think about - affordable rental housing for people making $42,180 and up. And apartments starting at $1,055.

Common Council Budget Recap – Night One, Part Two

This is the police officer discussion and the approximately last 2 hours of the meeting.  Fear and perception vs. fact and we need data people can use to decide how many police we need.

Urban Forestry Task Force Recommendations

Seems like this report has been going on forever and bouncing around from agenda to agenda. Today at noon they will continue discussing. Here's what they're looking at now.

Still time to file to run for District 8 alder!

Doh!  I should have realized this when I was looking at the files yesterday - deadline extended til Friday at 5:00.
consent agenda

What will the Madison City Council talk about tonight? (Updated)

Koval and Bus Rapid Transit resolutions will be withdrawn.  Plastic straw ordinance, approving City Engineer and Director of Planning, Community and Economic Development, Performance Excellence presentation and more.
dogs in madison parks

City of Madison is going to the dogs! Literally.

The new parks policy is one thing, but the ordinance change opens it up so any department or division, not the city council, will allow dogs on Madison property.

Common Council Meeting 3/17/20 (UPDATED!)

Live blogged.  Will update periodically. Controversial items referred. Will discuss meeting electronically and prohibiting committees from meeting.