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Topics related to the city of Madison.

Council authority over police department budget

For as long as I can remember, the council has been told that the power it has over the police department, is the power of the purse.

City Sustainability Plan: Input Needed!

Take the on-line survey, attend a meeting, get involved!

City Week Ahead – Change Number One

 Mon, Jun 17, 2013 at 9:01 AM NOTICE OF MEETING CANCELLATION Meeting: MADISON ELECTION ADVISORY COMMITTEE on 6/17/2013 4:30 PM at ROOM 108 CCB has been...

I’m feeling the Council was Lied to

Something isn't adding up. And I think the homeless people at Occupy are the victims of a some cruel games that were played at the council meeting the other night.

Quarterly Police Complaint Results

Every quarter the results of the "Madison Police Department Professional Standards and Internal Affairs Discipline Summary" comes out.  Here's a look at the latest and the past couple years.

More Bad News for the Poor

You're not surprised, right? Need legal services, you might get through the screening if your problem is bad enough.

City in August Week Ahead

Whoa, this is a ton of meetings for August . . . when committees routinely take the month off.

Fercristsake, more changes to the City Joke Ahead

Yeah, I'm so sick of this. Actually, I'm pissed about 2 of the 3 meetings here.

What should the Madison Education Committee work on?

Officially, this is the City of Madison Committee, but it has Alders, Dane County Board Supervisors and School Board members along with Mayor and School Superintendent reps.  It could be an impactful group!  They voted to change the name to City, County, Schools Collaborative Committee (CCSCC).  They were almost convinced to disband, but were re-energized with new members after the elections last spring and are discussing what they should be working on.

MMSD: Back to School In Person before May!

Here's the schedule, hot off the presses.  News to even MMSD staff members who found out the same time we did less than an hour ago.

Council Briefing Tonight?

On sister cities? Wasn't on the weekly agenda . . .

Parisi: Reform CARPC

CARPC you ask? Its the Capital Area Regional Planning Commission.