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Topics related to the city of Madison.

mayor's emergency orders

Madison Mayor’s Emergency Orders to cost $1.1M

Financial projections of the mayor's unilateral actions now have a fiscal note. Here's where it will cost money!

County Executive Budget Message

This is what the executive wants you to know, the county board will have to now dig into the details!

Mayor Loses Another Staffer

Perhaps he'll be back as comptroller . . .

Let the agenda additions begin!

Ooops, there's a plan commission meeting tonight . . . yeah, that's a major miss on the weekly agenda. I wonder, how is it legally noticed now? 4 meetings added for this week in the last two hours.
mayor power grab

Will Madison City Council abandon their responsibilities?

Tonight on the Executive Committee Agenda as well as the Council Agenda there are several items where the council will decide if they give their statutory responsibilities to the mayor during this pandemic and so far the mayor's orders are project to cost over $1M.

Landlords Indignant About Helping Voters

This amuses me!
city committee agendas

City Week Ahead 11/9/20

Big plan commission meeitng with big buildings, PFC complaints and the next police chief and city budget will be passed this week!

Post-Birthday Round Up (Part One)

I was slacking last week, lots to round up . . . so little time.

Crazy 20 days: Wis Labor Protests

This is day 20 of my video taping the current events. The last 24 hours were clearly the craziest. Twice I was told I was risking arrest during the last two weeks, but nothing happened either time, and in the end, justice prevailed, for now . . . here's what happened in the last few hours.

City Week Ahead

Only 9 meetings?!

So, What Does the Council Want to Do About Homelessness?

Here's the council discussion after some very moving testimony about Occupy Madison and what it means for homeless individuals living there, about what it is like to be homeless and about how the homeless services in this town may not work for everyone who is homeless.

David Wandel: Give & Take?

A guest editorial on the latest Community Services debacle. Once again I write as a citizen of Madison and happen to be a Committee member...