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Topics related to the city of Madison.

Votes to remove cops from Madison Schools on Monday’s school board and next council...

Both School Board President Gloria Reyes and Madison Mayor Satya Rhodes Conway announced they will be putting votes before their bodies to end the police contract with the Madison School District!

Governor Evers re-activates National Guard for Madison protests

Good grief, this can't be good . . . I thought we learned our lesson, what's next, curfew?

Madison Police Reported “Use of Force” Incidents for 5/30 & 5/31 – Part 1

In response to the alders requests about police response to initial George Floyd protests , this is what the police department released.  It's 100 pages, but my guess is there are some incidents missing.
round up

Round Up June 19 – 23, 2020

Updates of updates and more updates, city and county.

Week of 6/22/20

Here’s Brenda Konkel and Dylan Brogan with a preview of what’s happening this week in the city of Madison and Dane County.

City Employees make recommendations in response to protests

Professional and Supervisory employees call for police accountability, oppose the jail and more.

Madison Police Budget presentation 6/22/20

This is the presentation from Finance Department on the police budget to the Public Safety Review Committee subcommittee on budget.

Your questions about Madison police response to protesters

I asked on Facebook "The Madison Public Safety Review Committee will be reviewing police protest policies.  What would you ask or change?"  Here's the responses.

Anonymous “Urgent” letter from State St. Businesses

19 demands . . . and while they say some of the right words, their safety section is the same old, same old and they are still trying to chase people without homes out of Peace Park because its become "undesireable".

What do all of our Madison police officers do?

In the police department 2020 budget they are allocated $86,783,406 and has 116.70 civilian positions and 482 sworn positions.  About 200 are patrol officers, what does everyone else do?

Vision Zero: Madison’s plan to reduce traffic crashes, fatalities and injuries

All 20 alders have signed on, the plan is moving forward, but is this what we need to reduce crashes - and injuries and deaths?  Will it be enough?

Madison Capital Budget Agency Requests are (almost) out!

Tomorrow mid-day, right before the Finance Committee meeting, the agency requests will be available for the public to review, here is what they are telling us now.