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Topics related to the city of Madison.

Half Time Council President Proposal is Silly

This reeks of someone trying to score political points and ignores the real issues they should be addressing.

Longest Night Rememberance

For 10 homeless persons who died this year was held on Saturday. Lets hope no more over the next few days with extreme cold and programs closed.
mo meetings

Mo’ Meetings

As expected, here are more city meetings. I think I caught them all, here are the details on 8 more city meetings and 2 more county meetings.

The City Should Issue an Apology

Everyone who has been paying attention knows that Dr. Gregory Gelembuik has greatly influenced the Ad Hoc Police Policy and Procedure Committee.  The council spent much of the last two meetings discussing his appointment to this committee so the committee can have quorum and finish their work.  He's been to all the meetings, he'll help with quorum and he's highly effective, principled and helpful. And therein lies the problem - at least for some!
mo' meetings and round up

Round Up & Mo’ Meetings

A smattering of random things going on around town.

City Week Ahead

Council meeting again this week, flooding update, drinking while shopping, snow emergency zone discussion and more.

Housing Committee FAIL!

How long is the Mayor going to let this continue . . . why can't his appointees seem to show up? Could this be by design? Or just an indication of its priority?

County Week Ahead

Government grinds along . . . budget being hammered out.
Round Up

Round Up (and one more city meeting!)

A few things going on around town you should know about . . . extra city meeting, mayoral forum, cops in schools, Venezuela, lake levels, free tax help, overture call for artists and help needs to pass state expungement laws!

Implication of Complaint Go Beyond Ethics

The Ethics Committee meeting to consider an Ethics Compaint against Mayor Soglin was cancelled yesterday. Honestly, I'm expecting the ethics complaint by a former assistant city assessor to get thrown. That is because they don't have "jurisdiction". i.e. it's filed in the wrong place. And when they do that, they don't get to the merits of the complaint. Based on a technicality, they don't look at the underlying problem. If this complaint is true tho, consider the implications!

City Week Ahead

New council and mayor get sworn in this week!

Should Dane County Parks Screen Campers for Sex Offenses?

Sigh . . .the neighbors think so . . . I had some different questions.