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city committee agendas

Madison City Week Ahead July 27, 2020

3 cancelled meetings, 4 missing agendas, 6 or 7? meetings on policing matters, development rolls on (Plan meets twice, UDC & Jt. Campus meets) and more!
city committee agendas

Madison City Week Ahead 1/30/23

No meetings on Tuesday (5th Tuesday of the month) and some pretty short agendas for most committees.

City of Madison public listening session on the police department budget

The Public Safety Review Committee formed a subcommittee to write a report, we did the best we could with limited support, and are having a public hearing, will anyone attend?

Police and Fire Commission Name 4 Finalists for Police Chief

It's so odd that as the chair of the city's Public Safety Review Committee we have zero role in this process, but I'm glad it's moving along and I'm looking forward to working with the new chief.

Even Chief Koval wasn’t brazen enough to endorse candidates for City Council

Silly season (election season) is sillier than usual this year! 

District 2 AHAA Answers: Benji Ramirez Gomez and Patrick Heck on Housing & Homelessness

The Affordable Housing Action Alliance asked the City Council candidates their views on several housing questions. Here are their answers for District 8
city committee agendas

Madison City Week Ahead 6/7/21

Still all virtual meetings except one . . . how long will that last?  CCEC will be discussing.
city committee agendas

Madison City Week Ahead 7/24/23

Plan commission and city council meets this week, at least 5 missing agendas and other things going on this week.

Next steps in hiring the police chief?

Police and Fire Commission met to discuss timeline and next steps for hiring the next police chief.  Here's what they had to say.

Tree Tax Going Up, Up, Up

With state imposed levy limits local governments are forced to find new ways to raise taxes. This year's debate was about the Wheel Tax, but look what's been happening with the Tree Tax.

Brief Madison Plan Commission Recap

Edgewood campus master plan repeal denied, Park St. grocery lot rezoned, Reach Dane Daycare approved, Oscar Mayer Land division, alcohol zoning overlay ordinance approved and more.
city committee agendas

City of Madison Week Ahead 1/13/20

Highlights for this week include Public Market Financing Update, Truman Olson Update, Urban Design (Exact Sciences, LaFollette H.S, & Children's Museum, ALRC (Visions, Garver, Canopy) and the future of golf.