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Topics related to the city of Madison.

Do These People Support Sheriff Mahoney’s ICE Policy?

Check out the people endorsing him, its a pretty disappointing list.

Madison Fire Department Switches to PFAS-free Foam!

As the chair of the Public Safety Review Committee I just sent an email asking for an update about this!  So glad the Fire Department is on top of these things!
cdc advice on homeless populations

CDC Advice for Homeless Populations

This is the press release from the National Law Center  on Homelessness and Poverty that says what we should be doing in our community, according to the CDC.

Occupy Madison Inc. Needs Your Help!

If you want to help Occupy Madison, we need volunteers, public supporters, donations and much more! If you're like to help, read below to find out how! And thank you!

What Will Be Discussed Tonight at Council?

Here's the items the alders separated to discuss, Thuy has 5 out of 6 and the 6th is for referral:

City of Madison, New Protected Classes!

That's right, landlords, employers, places that provide public accommodations and public facilities can no longer discriminate based on . . . gender identity, genetic identity, citizenship status and victims of domestic abuse, sexual assault or stalking . . . and more.
mo meetings

Mo’ Meetings

As expected, here are more city meetings. I think I caught them all, here are the details on 8 more city meetings and 2 more county meetings.

No Worries, There’s Plenty of Children’s Programming for the Summer!

Says the police department. ?! Chalk this up as one of the odder things I've seen.

Items Council Plans to Talk about Tonight

This is what is NOT on their consent agenda . . .

City Employees make recommendations in response to protests

Professional and Supervisory employees call for police accountability, oppose the jail and more.

County Executive Budget Message

This is what the executive wants you to know, the county board will have to now dig into the details!

F35 Comment Period Deadline Friday

Comments to the National Guard matter!  That was the message from elected officials on Monday night at Hawthorne Elementary School (video included if you missed it) and the public did speak out!  Excellent overview from Retired Colonel Rosanne Greco from S. Burlington VT.  Updates from Safe Skies Clean Water Coalition included.