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Topics related to the city of Madison.

Local Government Guide is Back!

This work was initially done by myself, Brenda Konkel, for Progressive Dane about 3 years ago.  Technical difficulties happened and over the past three years I continued some of the work here at Forward Lookout.  I'm in the process of merging the work and expanding the guide.  Let me know what you think!

What is the Madison City Council’s Plan for the Government Reform Report?

At the Common Council Executive Committee meeting council members discussed what to do with the report on changes to our government structure.  Here's what they had to say.
consent agenda

What Will the Madison City Council Talk About Tonight (2/25/20)?

Seems like there was a page missing from what was sent out?  Or maybe not?  At this point, they will talk about nothing. 
meetings by phone

Madison and Dane County Plans for Government Meetings by Phone

The Common Council will meet on Tuesday and the County Board will meet on Thursday.  They both have plans to pass ordinances allowing them to meet by phone.
round up

Round Up Saturday 3/28/20

This is mostly updates to alders.  Daily Round up, elections, emergency orders, schedule of allowed committee meetings, response to metro drivers and more.
round up

Round Up – Monday, 4/13/20

Alder round up, fire dept objects to closing streets, committee assignments for alders, help get masks to health care workers, Conservation Congress voting tips from League of Women Voters, stimulus checks for people who don't make enough money to file taxes and more.
2021 Capital budget instructions

Madison Mayor’s 2021 Capital Budget Instructions

Call me crazy, but this looks like just about any other year when it comes to the capital budget.  Mayor urges caution, justify your projects, nothing half-baked and everything will be closely scrutinized.

Madison (Police) Violence must stop

Council meets tonight, see you (virtually) there?  The horrific display of police violence towards protesters has to stop.  Police have to admit the role they played in the chaos and agree their violence must stop too.  The council should demand a full investigation.

Madison Police Reported “Use of Force” Incidents for 5/30 & 5/31 – Part 1

In response to the alders requests about police response to initial George Floyd protests , this is what the police department released.  It's 100 pages, but my guess is there are some incidents missing.

With reduced jail populations, do we need a new jail?

Thursday the Health and Human Needs Committee voted in favor of halting the jail, jail populations are down at least 40%, Madison police are arresting less people, we have new leadership on the Criminal Justice Council, can we actually bring our ourselves to create real change in the criminal "justice" system?  Will any of this make real, meaningful change?

Recommendations for Madison Police Department protest policies

One of the PSRC subcommittees has been working on reviewing the police department policies around protests.  Here is our work so far, and next, we move on to recommendations.
daily round up

Mon – Wed “Daily” Round Up 9/21-9/23

Late, but still relevant information to be shared.