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Topics related to the city of Madison.

Recommendations for Madison Police Department protest policies

One of the PSRC subcommittees has been working on reviewing the police department policies around protests.  Here is our work so far, and next, we move on to recommendations.

Impasse on City Stealing Homeless Persons Belongings

JFC, my blogs are depressing this morning, no more time for laying on the couch and being sick - its all out war on those without homes and low-income people when it comes to housing and homelessness - anyone else want to pile on . . . you're not going to believe this one.

County Executive Asks Alders to Vote Against Tax Collection Changes

Let's work together! Except I oppose what you want to do.

People’s Affordable Housing Vision Complete! Sign on!

The Inclusionary Zoning law went away about a year and a half ago, a committee was formed, they were told to solve the problem without money and they have talked and talked and talked and talked and nothing has happened, cuz, how can it, without money? Now more than ever, we need a concerted grass roots effort to make sure our local government is doing more to expand housing opportunities for everyone in our community.

Operating Budget – Overview (Council has $350,000 to play with)

Only two speakers. Here is the overview by the Finance Department Director - very helpful and informative!
madison golf course options

What are Madison’s Options for the Golf Courses?

Tomorrow the Task Force on Municipal Golf in Madison Parks will meet, and here are the options being provided to them.

High Speed Rail Meeting a.k.a. Madisonians Behaving Badly

I really believe there is something in that east side water that doesn't belong there. Well, that's not fair, there were people there...

Mayor Dave Leaked Budget Round Up

The leaking began over the weekend . . . but wait before you jump to conclusions about this budget!

Council Operating Budget Live, Part II

Ok, questions of staff and then to the now 19 amendments.

What is the City Changing in their Approach to Snow?

Here's the unedited version of the recommendations that were discussed at and the notes from the final meeting of the snow committee with [bk comments.].

James Madison Park Houses

Final action on what will happen?

City Week Ahead (Partial)

Here's a start, will get the rest done in the next 24 hours . . . plus, you just know there are meetings that still haven't been published on the weekly agenda, so I can catch those too.