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Topics related to the city of Madison.

Oscar Mayer’s Environmental Contamination

The city is spending $80,000 to hire a private sector attorney to represent them in the purchase of the property for the bus barn.  Why?
dane county week ahead

Dane County Week Ahead 6/22/20

Court's impact on jail population and COVID-19 response, an in person meeting!!!, drama over eviction prevention money (white supremacy in action!) and more.
city committee agendas

Madison City Week Ahead 6/22/20

Police budget, capital budget initial presentation of agency requests, business support programs, Oscar Mayer site plans, Vilas Park plan, many transit and other issues as committees begin to meet again.

Overture Cutting Staff Positions – More info on Overture’s future next week

I'm sure they'll be coming to the taxpayers with their hands out again during the next city budget . . . the only question is how much?
round up

Mega Round Up June 4 – 18

Well that got away from me.  I. Can't. Keep. Up.  Interesting times we're living in.  Here's some mostly City related items you might be interested in.  For up to date news, see the Konkel Round Up on the home page.  Updated multiple times per day.
consent agenda

What will the Madison City Council talk about tonight – 6/16/20?

Remember, this agenda was amended about 24 hours ago, so there are additional items (surveillance cameras, letting committees meet).  And there are more changes here - including removing funding for police toys.

Madison Police Union words of advice to Madison Mayor

The Madison Professional Police Officers Association (MPPOA) "take a stand" and advise the mayor on how she should have written her press releases and suggests she educate herself.  They say she is "fueling the flames of discord and anger".

Madison PFC attorney misunderstands committee intent for Civilian Oversight

In response to the letter from the Police and Fire Commission (PFC) Attorney, former PFC member, ad hoc committee member and law school professor explains why PFC attorney is wrong in overlap of PFC and Civilian Oversight Board.

Late breaking items for tomorrow’s Madison City Council Meeting

4 items have been added to the Madison Common Council agenda for tomorrow - just barely under the wire to meet open meetings laws.

Madison Metro’s Use of Buses for National Guard

The Transportation Planning and Policy Board will be discussing this matter tonight at their meeting at 5:00.
captain mindy winters

Madison Police Department Impact on 40% reduction in the jail?

I was curious what the Madison Police Department changed during COVID-19 and how those changes are impacting the low jail population.  Here's what I found.

Madison Police Chief response to Alders protest questions

Well, more of a 31 page non-answer with a page and a half of recapping what they say happened and only half a page of non-answers.