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Topics related to the city of Madison.

Election Day Advice! (Updated)

Go vote! Tell your friends to vote! Tell your family to vote! Tell your co-workers to vote! Take someone to vote with you when you go vote! Vote! Vote! Vote! (and here's who I would vote for . . .)
what will the council talk about

What Will the Council Talk About Tonight?

Edgewood referred, items it looks like they will discuss include 3840 Maple Grove Drive and . . . nothing else? Seems unlikely. No discussion on Judge Doyle Square? Or anything else?

$25,000 for “Greyhound Therapy” In the Mayor’s Budget!

"Greyhound Therapy" is the mayor's term for how he would solve homelessness - give them a one way ticket out of town. And he actually has $25,000 for it in his budget!

Iced In (by Mary Jo Walters)

Make some calls, get updated, ask, when will Marijuana be legal in Wisconsin?

Merit Pay In Education -A Case Study

The Wausau Daily Herald recently penned an Op-Ed stating that under the last legislative session school reform "took a step forward" The reforms establish...

Some thoughts on the changes to the Edgewater TIF

Some quick thoughts on Soglin’s expected move to cut the TIF assistance for the Edgewater redevelopment.
Round Up

Round Up – Wed 10/2/19 & Mo’ Meetings

Mo' meetings, news, city and county budgets are out, city updates, housing and homelessness updates and more.

County Thumbs Up, City Thumbs Down

The benches are back! Thanks especially the County Board Supervisors and County Executive Parisi - for doing the right thing. Now, where were the alders? And why were they returned?
Round Up

Tuesday (9/23/19) Round Up & Mo’Meetings

Mo' Meetings, news, flooding updates and more.

Be Careful Who Your “Friends” Are!

I recently attended the Educate to Elevate Conference in Madison, and I was very skeptical going in. While I left the conference just...

Best Practices: Winter Services for People Experiencing Homelessness

Wish I had seen this report a while ago . . . good stuff!

Why Can’t We Plan for Winter, Holidays and Homeless Services?

This is just embarrassing. Apparently, its just too complex and we've never done it this way before - so we weren't prepared. Really? You gotta be kidding me.