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Topics related to the city of Madison.

City Week Ahead – Almost 30 Meetings!

Nearly 30 meetings this week . . . and they always add more . . .

Elizabeth Coppola in the 21st!

Elizabeth Coppola In the 21st! Our public schools depend on it! Broken deals, petulant behavior, single-minded focus on an extreme social...

City Week Ahead

34 meetings, 2 without agendas, 3 cancelled and I'm sure several changes throughout the week.  Meetings at inaccessible times like 3pm, 10am, 11am, 3:30pm,...

Horror Film Festival/WYOU Fundraiser

Hey, this isn't exactly my thing (but I have some freaky friends/boyfriend who think this is fun), but that is the beauty of WYOU . . . there's something for everyone!

Stunning Disrespect for a Neighborhood

It just gets worse and worse. Check this out - Alder Maniaci's last minute proposal for the James Madison Park Neighborhood was sent to EVERYONE, except the neighborhood.

Smokin’ Hot – by Mary Jo Walters

This is now a blog post in a comment block, thanks Tori!

Another Alder Down!

3rd District might have a new alder between 2-6-19 and when the new council gets sworn in the 3rd Tuesday in April. I have a new question for all candidates I consider endorsing - will you serve you whole term? Imagine what would happen if the council moves to 4 year terms for alders!!!

Alder Committee Appointments

The list is out, here's a list of who Mayors Satya appointed to which committees!

What the Council Plans to Disuss Tonight

These are the only issues unless someone registers on another item or an alder decides they have something to add . . .

Wow, Racist Bar Policies Ok with Police and Mayor?

I'm not even talking R Place. I'm talking about the policies where you have to have a state DRIVER'S LICENSE (ID not ok) or...

I’ve Had it! Have you?

So . . . will we rally to defend more of our rights the state is taking away? I sure hope so.

Stunning Housing News

Wait lists are so long for public housing they are closing the housing lists as of March 1st. I haven't seen it this bad in the 20 years I've been working in housing.