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Topics related to the city of Madison.

Public Health responds to Alders and Supervisors

I feel like its a bit of a non-answer and unsatisfactory.  They say they can't get the data and they agree with some parts of the letter.

Alders and Supervisors express concern over reopening plans

Well - thank you alders and supervisors!  The response from leadership was not so great.

Dane County reopening plan not supported by science

This is the full email by Dr. Gregory Gelembiuk to city and county elected officials showing why reopening now is not a good idea.  It's politics and threats of legal battles vs. science yet again.
homeless hotels or housing

Dane County spending $24M to put homeless people in hotels, $9M would house them.

Last week I was trying to do the math on what it would take to get our homeless population in to housing . . . is there a better way the county could spend $24M.
round up

Round Up May 19 – 24!

Not much over the holiday weekend, but several things from the end of last week.
city committee agendas

Madison City Week Ahead

UDC and Joint Campus Committee moving developments along, ALRC discussing separated alcohol licenses 2 nights this week and still lots of cancelled meetings!

Madison Mayor: Nevermind, no furloughs

Sigh.  No furloughs for now.  May be re-evaluated later.  Back to be "if", not "when".  And other updates from the mayor.
consent agenda

What will Madison City Council talk about tonight – 5/19/20 (Updated)

Only two items separated for discussion. Everything else will pass with recommendations on agenda unless separated at the meeting, or the public shows up to speak.
round up

Round Up May 13 – 18

Ya caught me slackin'.  Here's the various round ups and information that doesn't merit its own post (heads up - it's long!), plus a little bit of random musings from me.
madison election plans

Madison Plans for August and November Elections

The Mayor will be speaking at the CCEC today.  One of the handouts that she prepared for the meeting includes the following:

Week of 5/18/20

Important meetings and agenda items this week in Madison, Dane County and the Madison school district. With Forward Lookout's Brenda Konkel and WORT's Dylan Brogan

Mayor’s latest thinking on furloughs – not if, but when.

The mayor's statement from earlier today. She hopes to decide by next week.