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Topics related to the city of Madison.

Fact Checking the N. Sherman Critics.

Madison’s Common Council voted to reconfigure N. Sherman Ave from a four-lane to a two-way with a center left turn lane. During the testimony, several issues were raised by opponents, and rehashed later on talk radio that I would like to fact-check for posterity.

County Comp Plan Meeting Cancelled tonight

Heidi Wegleitner says . . .
Guess what happens when people are more likely to get information regarding county meetings from your blog than the county website? Government asks you to post the *notice of cancellation* of the Comp Plan Steering Committee meeting (on housing) which was scheduled for tonight. Please and thank you. And, I understand if you can't get to it. It is not your job. (But Todd V. is nice and he asked nicely, fwiw. :)

Non-Profit Funding Shake Up?

Both the county and the city are looking at the way they are going to fund non=profits. I found out about both of them yesterday, and it seems many of the nonprofit leaders had no clue about it either.

MMSD Board of Education is Looking for Members of an Ad Hoc Committee on...

The full notice may be found here, with Spanish, Hmoob, and Arabic versions linked. Here is the English text: Help Improve the Use of Education Resource...

Chief Erwin Has To Go!

New Capitol Police Chief Dave Erwin has really put his stamp on the new job since taking over from Charles Tubbs. Unfortunately for the...
Round Up

Round Up & Mo’ Meetings – Wed 10/9/19

Should people drive on the beltline shoulder during peak traffic?, PFAS reports, Airport Commission rescheduled, news and more.

Short Packed City Week Ahead

24 meetings packed into three days . . . so far.
Round Up

Weekend Round Up (10/7/19) & Mo’ Meetings

News, events, updates from the city and more!

Severe Weather and the 400 Homeless Sleeping Outside

I'd really like to see all 400 show up and test the alleged rules of the shelter systems that seem to be shifting and don't seem to reflect reality. If we have a cooling shelter, why not a blizzard shelter?

What is the Purpose of these Tavern Dress Codes?

I've heard about them . . . now you can see them! (without going to these bars that most of my readers would never go to!) Yeah, I sacrificed my Thursday night and took a field trip!
what will the council talk about

What Will The Council Talk About Tonight

F-35s, F-35s, F-35s, F-35s, F-35s, F-35s, F-35s, F-35s, F-35s, F-35s, F-35s, F-35s, F-35s, F-35s, F-35s, F-35s, F-35s, F-35s, F-35s, F-35s, F-35s, F-35s, F-35s, F-35s, F-35s, F-35s, F-35s, F-35s . . . F-35s, F-35s, F-35s, F-35s.

Examining The Homeless Shelter System – Part I

Earlier this week the Homeless Issues Committee held a meeting designed to look at the homeless shelter system policies. This will be a three part series that reveals what happened.