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Topics related to the city of Madison.

madison historic preservation plan

Madison City Council to adopt new Historic Preservation Plan

The resolution includes "accepting" not "adopting" the Underrepresented Communities Intensive Survey Report as well, which includes a list of places to be considered as landmarks.
madison golf course options

What are Madison’s Options for the Golf Courses?

Tomorrow the Task Force on Municipal Golf in Madison Parks will meet, and here are the options being provided to them.
madison stormwater ordinance

New Madison Stormwater Ordinance moving forward

While the rest of the city committee structure was shut down, this Madison Stormwater Ordinance moved forward and is on Plan Commission and Board of Public Works agendas this week.
city committee agendas

Madison City Week Ahead 5/18/20

At least 13 meetings still cancelled - Council, Executive Committee, Plan Commission, Golf study committee, Board of Public Works, ALRC, and several smaller committees all meeting this week.
round up

Round Up May 10 – 12

Here's another round up of rounds up and additional city and county announcements you may be interested in.

Mayor’s Plan to re-open city services

Not really much of a plan - turning the dial not flipping the switch, plus budget info.

New Madison City Attorney

So we have a new city attorney nominated by the mayor, to be confirmed by the City Council . . . crossing. my. fingers.

Madison prohibits recording City Zoom meetings without permission

Approval is currently provided for Boards, Commission and Committee meetings that are either Type 1 or Type 2 meetings.
round up

May 6 – 9 Round Up

One more week and I'm free from my consulting job and will have only one full-time job and Forward Lookout!  Then blogging can "return to normal"!
city committee agendas

Madison City Week Ahead 5/11/20

Keeping development rolling!  Also Police and Fire Commission, Transit Commission, Finance Committee, Parks Commission and Monona Terrace committees meeting this week.
2021 operating budget

Filling Madison’s $30M budget hole for 2021 starts now?

They're not going to fill a $30M shortfall by not ordering paper and pens.  And we'll be paying for some pretty expensive curb painters and grass cutters. 
round up

Mon & Tues Round Up – May 4 & 5

A round up of round ups and updates to from the city and county.