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Topics related to the city of Madison.

City Week Ahead

Ordinance on Festival Fatigue at a couple meetings, Council meeting (reconsideration of security for Tree Lane, air conditioning ordinance, dogs in the city-county building, what will go in at the Truman Olson site and more.

What’s In A Comment Policy

Comments on Madison.com and the Isthmus thedailypage.com can often get rough. Harsh comments and personal attacks and name calling - mostly done anonymously - are common. Check out the differences in the comments on these two posts about the same thing and the difference in the commenting policy

School Board Decision on Edgewater TIF

Brief. I got the feeling they were threatened with a law suit or something by their lack of discussion. And, despite previous...


It seems Alder Mark Clear will be withdrawing an amendment that would take money from community services for a consultant for the BioAg Gateway.

ex-Mayor Dave, the Whiner

Seriously, give. it. a. rest. Look, I don't have to deal with ex-Mayor Dave any more. He doesn't have to deal with me. ...

4 more city meetings . . .

Continue to expect changes . . .

70% of the City Week Ahead

I'm less optimistic after last week's performance of the so-called "weekly schedule", so instead of 80% I"m going with 70% and I'm hoping it doesn't dip into the 60's like it did last week.

MMSD No Vote on Edgewater TIF Recommended

This isn't a surprise, but the agenda for Monday's Board of Education meeting includes a recommendation from the administration to instruct their rep on...

Complain About Alternative Transportation on Leap Day!

With this being a leap-year, and the great day fast approaching, I hereby declare February 29th as "Complain about alternative transportation day."   So how about...

Board of Estimates Budget Recap, Amendments 32 – 38

Some day I will perfect the skill of being in two places at once and it won't take me three days to blog one meeting! Here's the final amendments.

Primary Day!!

Tuesday February 19, 2013 is Wisconsin Primary Day! There are only a couple races on the ballot, but these races are very important!...

City Week Ahead

Here's what we know now . . . likely to change many times throughout the week . . . watch for Mo' Meetings. This week we have the rescheduled Council Meeting. It's the last week of the month with several "5th" days of the month, so it's a little light - only 14 meetings - because regularly scheduled meetings often skip the "5th"s.