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Round Up

Friday (9/20/19) Round Up

Flooding updates, bus detours, city project updates, BRT meeting, water main flushing and more.

Tenant Resource Center Fundraiser Tonight

I've been a housing counselor for the Tenant Resource Center since 1991 when I was a volunteer housing counselor, I was the volunteer coordinator for about a year and a half, served on the board of directors and in 1995 (17 years ago!) I became the Executive Director. Things sure have changed over the years . . .

Alcohol Bans in Parks – Where and when

The other day I was talking to one of my homeless friends that that lives on the street and he told me that the police told him to drink in Law Park, and I thought that was strange and told him I was going to look that up and let him know what the law said, because I thought it was banned there (and I voted against it). Then I noticed that Clausius and Ahrens were banning alcohol in Mayfair and Sherry (O.B.) Park. So, here's the info, which parks can you drink in, when and where and how

Draft City of Madison Blogging Policy

This was on the agenda for the Common Council Organizational Committee to discuss the night of the Edgewater, and the meeting was cancelled, and...

I’m horrified . . .how did this happen?

I don't know how I missed this, but there is so much going on . . . but this is horrendous . . .

Corporate Prom!

Do you have your prom dress ready? Your tuxedo and flowers for your girl? Have you lobbied your friends to vote for you for prom king and queen? You only have until tomorrow!
mo meetings

Mo’ Meetings

2 added meetings, 1 cancelled.

District 6 Smear Campaign . . . An Official Backfire!

This isn't the first time, its not the last, but it is a little unusual. It's no Bruno (2001) - but still unacceptable and probably just the beginning of the smear tactics in the last few days of the campaign.
Round Up

Weekend & Monday Round Up (10/1/19) & Mo’ Meetings

Skipped yesterday, trying to catch up - here's what I have.

We All Must Oppose The Expansion of School Vouchers

The Monona Grove Board of Education, building principals and district office administrators, and teachers (Monona Grove Education Association) join together to urge legislators to...

Scott Walker: Stuck in the 70’s

Scott Walker’s recent letter to Ray LaHood begging to divert high speed rail funding into highway expansions reveals a significant gap in his understanding of transportation policy and technology. Will Wisconsin pay the price for his nostalgic views on transportation?

You gotta be kidding me . . .

Madison Prep wants another vote in February. Smells like an elections stunt to me. I really wish instead of cramming their ideas...