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Topics related to the city of Madison.

What are city lobbyists up to these days?

Quite frankly, it's quite hard to tell. It's quite the mess and there is more information missing than available. There is very little information about who paid whom and how much to lobby for which matters.

City of Madison Buses to Sun Prairie?!

Zoinks! Did I miss something?  Is it real? Is it actually happening? The Transportation Committee is discussing this tonight!

City Wide Parking Changes Coming!

If you don't like moving your car for alternate side parking in the winter in Madison, or if you are confused by all the snow emergency parking restrictions, you might want to read this. Changes are coming!

Tenant Resource Center Gains New Board of Directors in Historic Election

This press release was sent out at 6am this morning, but I don't think one single reporter called.  I don't know what to make of that.  I guess its not sexy enough, not like when someone gets fired.

Downtown Cars Will Get Towed Tonight!

Here's a list of the streets where they say they will tow. Don't risk the tickets! Ramps are free tonight 9pm - 7am - if you can move your car!

Now the Mayor Considers Homeless “friends and neighbors”?

Get me a bucket. This press release does have some additional helpful information for dealing with the cold weather particularly about transfer point buses and the library hours. But really, does he think we don't all know what he really thinks about homeless people? Does he think we've forgotten everything he's tried to do? And he expects us to suddenly think he's being cooperative with . . . .well, anyone? Election year antics.

More Money for George Austin for Judge Doyle Square

It's a good job if you can get it! Tonight the Finance Committee is planning to fork over more money to George Austin for the Judge Doyle Square debacle. After that, the Finance Committee will go into closed session to talk about the legal troubles. Just how much money has George Austin been paid throughout this, uh, journey of what feels like forever?

City At Odds With Itself on Affordable Housing

On the one hand, the city is using the chronic nuisance ordinance and giving Heartland $165,000 to increase security, but on the other hand . . . the one you should be watching and will make the real difference, they are doing this! Where's the press release and news articles about this good work?

Candidates Answers on Homelessness

Well, some of them. Includes questions of school board members.

Progressive Dane’s 2019 Slate of Candidates

I've spent quite a bit of the last month arranging interviews, reading questionnaires, interviewing over 20 candidates and arranging the General Membership meeting which I also chaired last night. It's was a lot of effort to get to this point . . . but it was worth it! Here's Progressive Dane's choices for the upcoming spring elections!

City of Madison Alder Pre-Primary Campaign Finance Reports

They are only required in districts 3, 12, 13 and 15. Here's what they show!

Did Chief Koval violate the City Ethics Laws?

David Ahrens recently sponsored an ordinance amendment saying that city staff could not use city resources engage in, organize or conduct a grass-roots campaign to lobby elected officials . . . that would include city blogs, right?