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Topics related to the city of Madison.

Can you ban people from a public building?

The next salvo from the mayor's office is to institute a procedure to ban people from the city-county building like they do at the library or Lisa Link park. I think it raises a few questions.

City’s Analysis of F-35s Impact on Madison

Here's the city staff's analysis of how F-35s will impact Madison, including more maps. The deadline for providing comments is Friday, September 27th. The full 1000-page draft EIS is available at http://www.angf35eis.com/Documents.aspx; the 40-page Executive Summary can be found here http://www.angf35eis.com/Resources/Documents/Draft_F-35A_EIS_Executive_Summary_August_2019.pdf. Everyone should provide comments!!!

Feeling Duped by the Mayor?

So . . . people are getting angry. Feeling like they have been betrayed by what was supposed to be a radical, feminist, lefty, LGBTQ mayor that truly cares about equity and does all the things. Instead, she's become a mouthpiece for the Chamber of Commerce/business interests. Hmmmm.

Flooding Updates

3 inches of rain predicted, what will that mean? Here's the latest email update. See info below to sign up for your own updates!

Capital Budget, Axed and Added!

Here's the info on what changed since last year and a comparison of the agency requests and what made it into Mayor Rhodes-Conway's budget. Let's see what the priorities are!

Yikes! Check out Who’s Buying the Mayor’s Race!

It ain't Madison! With record numbers of money raised for the mayor's race, I was curious where the money was coming from . . . there's a ton of money coming in from outside of Madison and outside of the state!

Madison City Council Member Resigns

It's only been 5 months . . . and already someone is resigning.  Here's the announcement. I can't imagine a council with 4 years terms given the resignations in the past few years.

Original vs. Alternate F-35 Resolution

So what's the difference? The West Side Alders essentially inputted the Chamber of Commerce talking points and then didn't say they "oppose" but request the Air Force to take the many pages of adverse impact into account.  Mayor ducks and covers.  Here's what we know about who is voting how!

Wow, Interesting Madison Prep Debate.

Allen Ruff has been blogging about Kaleem Caire and in pointing out the facts, he has drawn criticism for attacking Caire. However, I...
Round Up

Tuesday (9/23/19) Round Up & Mo’Meetings

Mo' Meetings, news, flooding updates and more.

Equitable Development in Madison Report

Another report on housing, more recommendations. This one has 20 recommendations.  Add this to the pile of recommendations, but still, no real action.

Services Not Police At Tree Lane

The incident at the Finance Committee last night should be Exhibit A about why the city should spend money on services, and not more police and security at Tree Lane (Housing First Apartment Project for formerly homeless families). Issues can be dealt with without police/security, and the resulting trauma and escalation. Issues should be addressed with services and community.