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Topics related to the city of Madison.

Check Out All the Candidates!

So far, the only unopposed Alders are . . . Verveer, Bidar-Sielaff, King, Schmidt, Weier and Clear and two walk-ons Maurice Cheeks and Denise DeMarb. But the deadline is today so we'll see if that changes. And there aren't as many retirements as once expected - only Maniaci, Solomon, Rhodes-Conway and Jill Johnson stepping down.

I’m So Disappointed in Kelda Helen Roys

And it appears, I'm not alone. Fellow legislators call on her to clean up her act! Legislators Call on Rep. Roys to End False...

Another Victim

Governor Scott Walker and his Wisconsin legislative cronies have claimed another victim in their war on the locally owned "Mom and Pop" store! ...

Prosser Cleared?!?!?!

Cross Posted @bloggingblue, because, in lieu of the right wing attack on Justice Bradley and inexcusable defense of Justice Prosser, this story needs...

Dumpster Diving while Black and Homeless Illegal

I heard about this ticket a while ago and yesterday I finally got the police report. I just had to share it. When you and I engage is "dumpster diving" or "Hippie Christmas" in August in Downtown Madison it's hip and cool and we're saving the environment. When you're a homeless black man you are committing a crime, ticketed and required to leave the area. Even after the police confirmed nothing was stolen.

Stop Piling on….

I know Chris Rickert, is fairly new to the Wisconsin State Journal, but I usually really like his columns. Today however, his...

City (Joke of a) Week Ahead

Its getting worse and worse every week, these are the meetings they told us about but there will we several more that pop up.

Approvals Needed for Rhythm and Booms

Are the Alders left almost entirely out of that process?

Representative Gary Hebl Listening Sessions

Representative Gary Hebl will be holding listening sessions in both Cottage Grove and Sun Prairie before next Tuesday's election! For Immediate Release ...

County Week Ahead

County Board Meeting this week . . . will anyone notice?

Incomplete City Week Ahead

Yeah, I already know of missing meetings . . . like the Economic Development Committee hearings on the "broken" development process.

Quarterly Police Complaint Results

Every quarter the results of the "Madison Police Department Professional Standards and Internal Affairs Discipline Summary" comes out.  Here's a look at the latest and the past couple years.