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Topics related to the city of Madison.

The Haters are Getting Aggressive

I'm used to haters, my email is full of examples of it (mostly from when I was an elected official), but it irks the hell out of me when it gets directed towards other people and it professes such ignorance. Check out the latest flyer circulating in the East High area against the homeless who are looking for a place to live. Saturday's meeting could be interesting.

Wisconsin State Journal – Getting It Wrong for 100 Years!

The more things change, the more they stay the same. The Wisconsin State Journal published an editorial on March 9th, 1914 proclaiming "Send Pickles...
Round Up

Friday Round Up! (10/4/19)

This one is heavy on city information, very little schools or Dane County . . . you'd hardly know there was a county board meeting last night by looking at the news and they don't have/use the same communications tools the city does, so there is just little information.

Tent City #3, Seattle

This is the last of the villages/encampments we visited out west.

Dignity? Respect?

So, I'm reposting something Tami Miller from Friends of the State St. Family wrote . . . because I am still thinking about it this morning.

The Purpose of Ride the Drive

I have a problem with the way Mayor Soglin seems to be framing the issue of how to improve Ride the Drive.  When the...

Congressman Mark Pocan Calls for Further Noise Testing of F-35s

"Today, I formally request the Air Force in coordination with the 115th Fighter Wing test the F-35 flight pattern at Truax Air National Guard Base. Specifically, the Air Force should conduct a take-off and landing of the F-16 and the F-35 planes so community members will have a more accurate understanding of the noise impact from the F-35 mission."  

GOOD NEWS! I think some policies have changed at the Porchlight Shelters

Call me cynical, but I don't really believe it. It seems like so many people have different understandings of what the shelter rules are and it appears there is a really good reason for that.

Wisconsin State Journal a Division of the MacIver Institute

We all remember what happened last year, the teachers of the state, led by MTI, stormed the Capitol when ACT10 was introduced. Their...

Lake Monona near 100-year flood elevation

Friday should be ok, but more rain and concern on Saturday.

Every Brat Has Its Thorns

"Not paying fairly, not giving a job because you are only looking at how to make a profit, that goes against God." Pope Francis Madison's...

Overture Round Up (Updated!)

This is one of the many meetings I didn't make it to last night, but here's some of the information you might be interested...