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Topics related to the city of Madison.

1st (New) Finance Committee

A quick 40 minute meeting, mostly an opportunity for education. The new members of the committee are Keith Furman, Rebecca Kemble, Mayor Rhodes-Conway, Shiva Bidar, Mike Verveer, Barbara McKinney and Donna Hurd.

Parisi’s Appearance – A little Defensive!

This was the first time most people had an opportunity to interact with our County Executive Joe Parisi - here is video of his committee testimony (without my snark) and the beginning (the rockier part) of the 1.5 hour discussion in the hallway, it did get better are this, but he didn't like the video taping.

City Week Ahead

26 meetings so far this week . . .

Weekly Local News Round Up

My "round ups" have seen various formats and content over the years.  Here's what I hope to become a weekly round up of local government news from the past week.  Things I don't have time to blog about, but that should be on your radar screen.

Maniaci: Screw the Public

They don't need proper notice . . .Maniaci sees no reason not to proceed with a vote at Plan Commission this evening on the Edgewater . . . so I'll explain it to her.

So Who Won?

How did all those groups that made endorsements do? Who can expect support for their issues on the Council (and elsewhere)?

Tony Galli – updated

We brought the recent story of WKOW, and their employee Tony Galli, making the Bradley Foundation's day and attacking a local elementary art teacher....

Dignity Village

This is the oldest/longest running of the villages.

Catching Up on Judge Doyle Square

Ok, I've been slacking, so while I'm catching up on everything, I thought I'd fill you in!

Severely Flawed City Week Ahead

Sure to be missing 6 - 10 meetings.
Round Up

Thursday 9/19/19 Round Up

City, County, Schools and other news, foreclosure assistance, HIV Education Event, Future of Transportation Day, Parks News and more.

Warming Shelter Snafu

So, it's not going to be opening on November 1st at Wright St. and they are backing off on a few other things too.