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Topics related to the city of Madison.

Warming Shelter Snafu

So, it's not going to be opening on November 1st at Wright St. and they are backing off on a few other things too.

The Week Ahead, Take II

Yesterday, the City added a record 10 meetings to the weekly schedule, giving little functional notice to the public. Here's the meetings that were added and what might be of interest and you might want to change your plans for today or tomorrow.

Maxwell John Love: On the Budget and the UW

It's tied to the Walker stuff. An important read.

City Week Ahead

Wow, November is on the way! Lots of missing links this week.

Rhythm & Booms Bad for the Environment

I'm not an environmentalist activist or well versed in the issues - but this one seems kinda obvious. I'm surprised we had to spend so much time (and money) getting studies done.

What Moron Made this Decision?

Downtown parking is going to be messed up for weeks now . . . a simple "request" to have people move their cars isn't going to work. This is absurd.

Hovde TIF Agreement

Wow. This is pretty complicated, no alders asked questions, and I'm beginning to wonder if they understand it. And it looks like another $3.4M for structured parking . . . .

City Weekly Joke Ahead

Who knows if this is anywhere near what meetings will actually occur this week.

Democrats Favor McDonell

Who do the members of the Democratic Party think should be the next county executive? The straw poll says . . . Dane...

Rallies today, 10:30 and 4:30

I had heard noon - 3, but the South Central Federation of Labor says this: URGENT: You are needed in Madison. The whole...


This Saturday, May 21st, is “CityCampMadison” http://citycamp.barcampmadison.org/ The idea behind a CityCamp is to bring together people who are interested in "Civic Entrepreneurship" - creating solutions...

City Operating Budget – Part II

Here's what the Board of Estimates will be discussing tonight.