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Topics related to the city of Madison.

Why Not Just Tell Us?

Ok, why won't anyone say where the $50,000 for operating and $75,000 for renovating the day center is coming from. My first ever open records request denial - after about 20 years of submitting them without problems.

Democrats Favor McDonell

Who do the members of the Democratic Party think should be the next county executive? The straw poll says . . . Dane...

Are these YOUR Public Safety Issues

Long story short, I went to the Public Safety Review Board meeting. I went there for one reason, stayed for another. At the end of the agenda was an item about upcoming issues and this is their list.

Plan Commission Live Blog (of sorts): Bethel Church

Now that I have a keyboard that I can rely on, I feel comfortable doing this semi-live, you'll have to live with the typos. First item of interest for me was the Bethel Lutheran Church Informal Presentation.

City Week Ahead!

Ha! I finished it. Summer and my schedule and my time off at work is making blogging challenging for me, but hey, I finished the week ahead this morning! Of course, its subject to change, as usual.

City Budget Amendments

These are the amendments that the Board of Estimates will be discussing after 18 other items. I was guessing that they will be done with the other items in about 45 minutes, but you never know.

Warming Center for Homeless Families and Single Women

First United Methodist Church will host a warming center for families and single women tomorrow. Here's the details.

Teacher Pay

I wrote a LTE regarding teacher pay last year, and in Lieu of The community wide education meeting, I thought I would bring...

First Casualty of New Policy

Not enough time to get liquor permit, event cancelled. Bummer, because Tenant Resource Center would have gotten part of the proceeds

The week ahead . . .

I felt bad for not blogging this morning but I had a really good excuse, and now that I look at the week ahead, well . . . no need to feel bad.

Metcalfe’s 800 E Wash Project Doomed?

Uh, in this town, when the unions are against you . . . you have trouble getting votes on the City Council. Wonder how the committee that meets tonight will respond.

Capital Budget Presentations – Madison Metro

The bus system.