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Tuesday Round Up

Here's a few scraps of news and comments for today.

Crazy Occupy Weekend Recap

I can't believe this all happened in 72 hours . . . this is really insane. I can't believe how out of control things have gotten and how absurd it all is. Here we go . . . you're not going to believe all this!

Wisconsin State Journal – Getting It Wrong for 100 Years!

The more things change, the more they stay the same. The Wisconsin State Journal published an editorial on March 9th, 1914 proclaiming "Send Pickles...

You’ve heard it said . . .

Homeless people are dirty and smelly. Maybe even said it yourself.

The Mockery of the Madison Media as a Meaningful Medium

The Madison School Board race has been interesting to say the least. For those of you scoring at home, three candidates declared...

What You Need to Know if you are going to Miffland

Here's info that I've been told as one of the volunteers that you might like to know if you're going to Miffland tomorrow.

Pre-Budget Board of Estimates Discussions

Ok - here's everything except the budget discussions. CDBG and Office of Community Service merger, University AVe/Whitney Way TIF, sale of house in James Madison Park and police overtime.

Tonight the Council Will Talk About . . .

Not much. Not much on the agenda since they just met last week. The only thing I expect to be talked about is the "thank you".

CDA again attempts to raid Affordable Housing Trust Fund

Three years ago, I attempted to make some changes to the Affordable Housing Trust Fund (nice, they've changed history and removed my name entirely) to allow more use of the $4M that is in the fund. The Mayor opposed those changes. Michael Schumacher removed my name and introduced it last January and still, the changes went no where . . . until now, when the CDA again wants to bend the rules to get the money. $1M of the $4M to create no new units and make current housing less affordable.

Republican Bully’s

H/T to Jay Bullock for catching this. Last week UW-Madison's own professor of history, geography and environmental studies penned this op-ed in the NY...

MTI Shows Support for Occupy!

Thank you MTI, check out what they had to say . . .

City’s Anti-Poverty Plan

Search high and low, I don't think you will find anything else in writing that includes the city anti-poverty plan, except in the largely dismissed obscure HUD report. i.e. Don't hold your breath waiting for something earth shattering.