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Topics related to the city of Madison.

Back to Work Week Ahead

My blogging is about to get really crappy as TRC is about to get really, really busy for the next three months and we have the least amount of staff we have had in probably 10 years.

If section 8 isn’t income . . .

Then how is it that SB107/Wisconsin Act 108 which restricts the city and county from having ordinances prohibiting landlords use of monthly household income purportedly negates our section 8 ordinances at the city and county level?

OM House News, Fundraiser Tonight, How You Can Help

Occupy Madison Inc. is working hard to create OM House (housing cooperative) and is working on other projects like OM Works (worker cooperative) to create opportunities for housing and work for those who currently are struggling in this economy. We hope you can join us for our fundraiser tonight!

County’s “Buy Local” Ordinance Made More Effective

Wish the city would re-visit theirs and make it stronger!

The Voucher Scam!

The truth of school Vouchers is slowly starting to come out and its not pretty. While Scott Walker, Robin Vos, et...

You’re banned!

Ok, I asked for information on the collective community ban . . . and got a whole lot more than I expected.

Incomplete City Week Ahead

Yeah, I already know of missing meetings . . . like the Economic Development Committee hearings on the "broken" development process.

Today’s Question: Do our laws apply to Tim Bruer?

That is the question Michael Basford, the Chair of the Dane County Democratic Party is asking. I have a little different question.

Not in the News Round Up

There was so much going on this week . . . Here's lots of extras not from the news sources, but from the community and other research. (i.e. Not about the Mayor's budget, Kathleen resignation and other things that managed to make the news through those items.)

Not in the News Round Up

About a weeks worth had piled up . . . so here it is in a separate post. Pssst. This is the good news portion of the blog usually. :)

Tent City #3, Seattle

This is the last of the villages/encampments we visited out west.

City Week Ahead

Council meeting this week, several committee nearing end of their work and creating reports (Urban Forestry, Surveillance), Street Tree Speces list, a new Police and Fire Commission Attorney to be hired soon and so much more.