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Topics related to the city of Madison.

Group Calls on Mayor to not renew City Attorney Contract

Sorry, I'm not spoiling this one, I'm going to make you read to find out who and why. Finance Committee has his contract before them tonight at 4:30.

County Thumbs Up, City Thumbs Down

The benches are back! Thanks especially the County Board Supervisors and County Executive Parisi - for doing the right thing. Now, where were the alders? And why were they returned?

City Week Ahead

Budget meetings Monday and Thursday, no meetings Tuesday and Wednesday due to Yom Kippur.

F35 Comment Period Deadline Friday

Comments to the National Guard matter!  That was the message from elected officials on Monday night at Hawthorne Elementary School (video included if you missed it) and the public did speak out!  Excellent overview from Retired Colonel Rosanne Greco from S. Burlington VT.  Updates from Safe Skies Clean Water Coalition included.
Round Up

Round Up!

Random things you might be interested in, mostly related to local government and the City of Madison.  Many additional government meetings.

Congressman Mark Pocan Calls for Further Noise Testing of F-35s

"Today, I formally request the Air Force in coordination with the 115th Fighter Wing test the F-35 flight pattern at Truax Air National Guard Base. Specifically, the Air Force should conduct a take-off and landing of the F-16 and the F-35 planes so community members will have a more accurate understanding of the noise impact from the F-35 mission."  
Round Up

Friday (9/20/19) Round Up

Flooding updates, bus detours, city project updates, BRT meeting, water main flushing and more.

Why Save the Erdman Building?

Why is it historic? Here's info from the Landmark's nomination.

Quarterly Police Complaint Results

Every quarter the results of the "Madison Police Department Professional Standards and Internal Affairs Discipline Summary" comes out.  Here's a look at the latest and the past couple years.

Gas-Powered Lawnmower Rebate?

The city is considering a rebate program for gas-powered lawn mowers, similar to the toilet rebate program. It's still in development, so if you have ideas, now is the time to speak up! The Committee on the Environment will be discussing Monday at 4:30.

Which Special Interests are Supporting Which Mayoral Candidates?

Here's what I found when looking at Conduit reports and campaign committee campaign finance reports. Which special interests are trying to influence the Madison mayor's race and who are they trying to influence?

How are the Alder Candidates Doing on Raising Money?

So, hard to tell. At the moment it appears 12 of the 27 with competitive races didn't file a report? Checking with the clerks...