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Topics related to the city of Madison.

Your Turn, Please Help.

If you read my blog even 1/3 of the time you are well versed to help . . . please email your alders and county board supes - it'll take only a few moments!

Help A Family Keep Their Housing Assistance

You may have read the article in the paper about the mother who is going to lose her section 8 because her son, who is in jail, was is facing charges that he was involved in a shooting. As a result, she is going to lose her housing assistance, even tho he will not be returning to the household any time soon.

Formal City Opinion on How Many Votes Needed to Pass Something in Committee

Apparently two times recently a chair of a committee refrained from voting and they thought something passed, but it didn't. Had the chair voted in favor, it would have passed.

Yesterday was a Bad Day for Progress for the Homeless

Occupy got their eviction notice and the county board's Personnel and Finance Committee took the operating funds for the Homeless Day Center out of the budget. Always more work to be done and I knew the steps forward lately were just too good to be true. So, what's next for Occupy and the County Board?

Board of Estimates Recap

Another short meeting . . . which I expected to be longer given the agenda.

Edgewater (Mostly TIF) Round Up

Yeah, if you can stand to hear any more about it . . . people keep asking how this became a city obsession and...

WMC Message: Support Walker

Here's a flyer from today's Wisconsin Manufacturing and Commerce meeting at Monona Terrace COMMUNITY and Convention Center, which is closed to the public today....

What’s the FBI Doing in Cherokee Marsh?

Oh, not that FBI . . . .

Who got the votes?

Who got the most votes on the council? Some people who lost got more votes than winners in other districts.

Examining the Shelter System – Salvation Army, Part II

Single women and family shelters at The Salvation Army.

Unbelievable Insult! Oh, and No Warming Center this Winter.

This is the insult: At the same time the county is proposing to cut TRC services entirely ($95,000) so they can pay for a day center, they are not going to have the permanent comprehensive day center, but instead proposing to spend $60,000. $30,000 of it they will give to Porchlight to drive people around to various services Nov 1 - March 31, including apparently dropping them off at the Tenant Resource Center. Excuse me, but WTF?

Carol Lobes: A Bill of Pariculars

Governor Scott Walker and Republican Co-Conspirators’ Blatant, Divisive Actions to Destroy Cooperation and Collective Bargaining in the State of Wisconsin